Iris and The Cliff

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to jebigajebemti for being an awesome best friend and joining Wattpad just to read my work


"So this is what you're really doing this weekend. It's pretty bad, lying to Mom, running away with your boyfriend, leaving the state. Not as bad as the Escape of 2012, but getting there." Percy said.

That's who was here. My brother. I still hadn't figured out how he had found us.

The Escape of 2012, was when Percy stole a credit card from my parents, booked flights for him and five of his friends, flew to California, got three expensive hotel rooms, and then didn't come home for a week.

He has been grounded for the rest of 2012, to say the least.

"It's nowhere near as bad as what you did." I pointed out.

"True. Well, don't worry, I'm not here to spoil your fun, or turn you in. I'm just here to act as a responsible guardian, and to make sure you don't do anything really bad."

This was weird. Percy loved getting me in trouble, and I loved getting him in trouble.

"Okay... Well, we're going out for breakfast and then to the beach." I said.

"Have fun. Be back by nine." Percy said, while flipping through a magazine.

"That's pretty cool of your brother to not tell our parents." Colton said, as we walked out.

"It's weird. He must be mad at Mom, so he's taking my side." I said.

"I wouldn't question it."

We got into the van and drove into the town, and sat down at a diner. It was pretty quiet, there was only one waitress, and a blonde guy with a blonde girl, sitting in a booth.

We sat down at a table.

"How can I help you all today?" The waitress asked.

"I'll have a stack of pancakes with a side of sausage, bacon, and eggs." Bradley said.

"Same thing as him." Colton said.

"I'll have the same thing, but instead of sausage and bacon, do you have tofu options?" Rory asked.

"No." The waitress answered.

"Well then I'll just have pancakes and eggs. This diner is insensitive to vegetarians." Rory said.

"Just plates of French toast for the rest of us." I said.

The waitress left, and Rory sulked.

The blonde guy walked over. "Hi! I'm Calvin. Are you new in town?"

"No, we're just visiting." I answered.

We introduced ourselves, and Calvin introduced us to his girlfriend, Brooke.

"Are you from here?" Ginger asked.

"No. We're visiting my mom and sister. I live in Connecticut, and Brooke lives in NYC. We're having a party Saturday night, you guys should come." Calvin said.

"We'll try. It was great meeting you." Colton said.

Calvin shook his hand, and then left.

We ate our breakfast and then drove to the hotel. We walked down to the beach. There were already a ton of people there, apparently it was unseasonably warm for April.

Ginger took off her dress, revealing a polka-dotted two piece swimsuit. She ran towards the ocean and waded in. Rory peeled off his shirt and ran after her.

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