➶ 010 ➶

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I was walking down the long and empty road. I thought about what had happened the past 24 hours. It didn't feel like 24 hours but it was. 24 hours ago Alice had abandoned me with her- our child, I had re-lived my past, and Johnny and Ponyboy had killed a kid. Johnny was most likely to get the electric chair while Ponyboy and Sodapop will probably get sent to a boy's home, never to see us or Darry or each other again. I sighed, rubbing my eyes, all this stress was getting to me.

"hey don't worry 'bout it Joey" I perked up only now just realizing, that Steve and two-bit had caught up to me.

"I know," I said as we kept walking, "so what happened, last night that is? I thought Johnny and Ponyboy were with you Two-bit?" I asked

"they were, but then Ponyboy went home and he and Darry got into a fight, I don't know much, but I think Darry hit Pony and then he ran away. I'm pretty sure they got jumped and Pony or Johnny pulled a blade on 'em" Two-bit explained and I nodded along, as Steve lit a weed, offering us some. I denied his offer causing two-bit and him to look at me as if I were insane, "you good".

"I'm all right. But, I'm a Dad now so I can't be smokin' too much" they nodded in understanding. it felt super weird to say that, 'I'm a dad'.

"wait we can still have it though right?" Two-bit asked worried, I laughed at him and nodded.

"just not around Sophia" we walked up the front porch of Darry's house. We walked in not bothering to knock, and when I walked in I was met with the sight of Sophia having the time of her life, laughing as Soda beat Dally up. "haha".

"hey, Joey" Soda got of Dally and walked over to me, "Soph's just been having the time of her life here with us. Isn't that right, yes it is" he said the last part in a baby voice towards Sophia.

"Thanks so much, you guys" I picked her up and sat on the couch with her.

"it's no problem at all, Joey," Darry said walking out of the kitchen. "anyway, c'mon dinner's ready". We all sat around the Dinner table eating what Darry had cooked up for us. This wasn't uncommon, having the gang come around for dinner every now and then.

"I gotta find someone to take care of Sophia," I said absentmindedly and the gang looked at me.

"Joey, you cant leave her alone with someone you don't know" Soda said with a mouth full of food.

"w-what do you mean? Hah I-I've been planning this trip for over a year! I take one every year, you guys know this" I stood up abruptly, getting slightly worked up by this.

"We know Joey, Steve gives you rides every year," Two-bit said taking Soda's side, pretty sure everyone was taking his side.

"yes, but you- you don't understand I have to go!"

"Joey" I turned to look at Darry as he spoke in a calm gentle voice. God his voice was so addicting, "you're a father now ok. Having someone's life in your hands is a big responsibility ok. You gotta learn that you can't always do what you want to do" He was right.

He was always right. Especially when it came to parenting. After his parents died, he taken on the role of father, not just for Pony and Soda, but for the whole gang too. He grew up to fast.

I was speechless, I was so angry that I was just utterly speechless. I needed to go see him, seeing him helped me get shit off my chest. "Joey" Soda put his hand on my shoulder and I shoved it off. I ripped a photo out of my jacket, and stabbed it with my kitchen knife, the loud bang causing Sophia to start crying, but I didn't care in that moment.

"Joey!" I didn't listen I just ripped off my jacket, leaving me in my white, dirty tank top and skinny jeans. My tank top revealed many self-harm scars and whip scars. The gang stopped and stared as I messed up my already shaggy hair and I left.

| third pov |

After Joey had left Sophia started crying again, the gang was able to calm her down but they were concerned for their friend. "where do you think he went" two-bit asked removing the knife from the photo.

"I think I know where he went," Darry said staring at the said photo. "c'mon" he picked Sophia up and they all left following Darry.

After walking for about 5 minutes Darry stopped, it was high up and there was nothing beneath it, "there he is".

The gang looked over and saw Joey sitting on the edge of the railing. "Joey!" steve was the first to run over and pull him back. The gang came over and all sat with Joey. He said nothing and just stared out into the distance.

"When I was younger, my older brother cared for me deeply but then he was the victim of a hit and run" he said breaking the silence. "my parents didn't like me, hated me even more after that. They uhh," he sighed as the gang listened, "they abandoned me here, where Darry found me" Darry hugged him. "every year, when I go, I go to his grave. And I talk to him, please. I cant not go".

"alright. But maybe after all this settles down" Darry looked at Joey with pleading eyes. We've all had it rough, and Joey felt selfish for the way he's acted.

"I'm sorry guys"

| Joey pov |

The day after that, I decided to postpone my visit to my brother's grave, and instead help the gang with the upcoming rumble. We sat at Tim Sheppard's place, I sat with Sophia wrapped up on my back with my jacket over her.

Earlier two-bit had gotten jumped by a bunch of Socs. We tried to help him out but he handled it himself. Now we were situated at Tim's place with his gang, when a nice lookin' gal showed up in a little ol' sting ray. Some of were about to jump her but two-bit stopped us.

"look, I don't want any trouble" it was that Cherry girl, from the nightly double, "I just wanted help out a bit" we stared at her dumbfounded.

"and why would you wanna do that?" I asked bitterly. It was a surprise, seeing as she was the dead kids gal and all.

"I just feel like, this whole mess is my fault" she wasn't wrong there, "so, I thought I'd keep you updated with what the Socs were planning, though keep in mind I ain't on no body's side. got that" we nodded and asked her a few questions.

"hey if you don't mind, Cherry" she turned to look at me. "on the night of the rumble, you wouldn't mind takin' care of my little girl here, would ya?"  I showed her Sophia and she gasped and was over joyed to see a her.

Everyone looked at her funny and she smothered the baby, it was quite the sight. "of course. So does that mean, you gonna participate then? in the rumble that is."

"I gotta. Can't let my gang down" she nodded in understanding. "but I'll try not to get too roughed up".

After all that we kept hearing about what the Soc's were up to form Cherry. We made a deal with them, if we won they would stay off our turf, for good. But it they won then things would go back to normal and they'd keep jumping us and shit.

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