➶ 011 ➶

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"hey! Hey guys!" Two-bit came screaming through the door, "the Socs are at it again!" recently, because Johnny killed that soc kid, the Socs and us have been fighting like cats and dogs. Its been 4 days now since Pony and Johnny went missing, it was only a matter of time before the rumble started.

"joey" I turned to Darry, "best you stay here tonight, don't wanna get caught up with them Socs. Especially not with Sophia" I felt bad for Sophia. I had to be weary almost everywhere I went, just to make sure she was kept safe. None of us could walk alone these days, it was starting to get pretty scary.

Just a few days ago, I was walking down the street with Sophia, and I almost got jumped by a few Socs. As soon as I saw their car rolling down the street I ran for it, I was about a block away when they started chasing me, thankfully Darry and the gang saved me. I was really thankful for Darry, only then did I realise how hard I was falling for Darry.

"Oi! Curtis gang" someone screamed from outside. We all carefully looked out the window, seeing a familiar face. He looked "cat-like", with curly black hair and dark blue eyes. His nose had been broken twice. He has a long scar from his temple to his chin where he was belted with a broken pop bottle. Tim Sheppard.

We all made our way outside, I made sure to keep Sophia hidden not wanting a Soc or a stranger to see her. "We still on for the Rumble tomorrow night with the Socs?" he asked.

"you bet we are," Darry said as the others nodded, I had asked two-bit for Cherry and Marcia if they could watch Sophia because I had to be there for the gang. Thankfully they agreed and said they'd sneak over here before the rumble began.

"good. Cause I got some friends comin'" he said smirking like the Cheshire cat as he made his way back down the street.

"I got Cherry and Marcia, comin' round tomorrow to take care of Sophia" Cherry was still our spy and she was doing a great job at it. We were real thankful to have her on our side, though she did say she wasn't picking sides, she kinda was on our side still.

After the gang had left soda was asleep on the couch so I could sleep in his bed with Sophia. I was getting ready for bed when Darry came back, looking sore as ever. 'you ok Darry?" I asked as he came limping in.

"yeah, I'm fine. Just pulled a muscle at work I think" he said walking over to the kitchen table and sitting down. "Soda asleep?".

"yeah" he looked over finding Soda snoring away on the couch. "you need help with anything?" I asked and I'm pretty sure he blushed, but I couldn't see cause he turned away.

"nah. I just normally get Soda to rub my muscles after work, but I guess he cant seeing as he's asleep" he laughed.

I blushed, 'imma bout to take a huge risk here' I thought as I opened my mouth. "I can, uh rub your, muscles. I-if you'd like" god damnit why did I have to stutter.

"Uhm, that be great if you wouldn't mind" I nodded and got up. I went over to his back but paused when I realized I had no idea what I was doing. "so wait, what do I do" I asked sheepishly.

"w-well, Soda normally just tends to rub my back, when I'm sore. I can to my leg, its fine" He said and I started to rub his back.

It was quiet. I was honestly surprised Sophia was still asleep, normally she'd wake up every hour or so, but not tonight. Not that I didn't mind, it was nice to have some alone time with Darry.

"ngh" I stopped, and he put his hands in his head. Darry had moaned. I felt my face heat up, I continued to rub his back despite my embarrassment. I'm sure he was just as embarrassed as me, if not more. But I couldn't help but want to hear it more.

"hah~" he breathed out before grabbing my hands and pulling me in front of him, "stop, we cant do this".

"do what?" I played dumb and he growled, 'god'.

"this isn't right" he said and I looked ashamed, "but it feels so good" and before I knew what was happening Darry had pulled me on to his lap and kissed me. His lips were surprisingly soft and I melted into his touch. He bit my lip ever so softly, causing me to gasp as he slid his tongue inside. We parted for air and I stared at him completely shocked as to what just happened.

"sorry" he said and he shoved me off as he raced to his bedroom, I quickly followed after him, but he slammed the door in my face.

"Darry!" I whisper-yelled, "what the fuck was that!" he didn't answer. I was so confused, he said it felt good, so why did he run away. "was- was it me?" I said confused, leaning my head on his door.

He opened it pulling me inside quickly, and hugged me. "no, I- I'm sorry. I- I'm just not used to this" I hugged him back.

That night we spoke like genuinely spoke. Not just about our feelings towards each other, but about everything. "so, what does this make us then" I asked playing with his hair.

"what do you want to be. . ."

・゚➶ Loved and Abandoned ➶⋆* | The Outsiders x Male OcWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt