incorrect quotes but it all of them now

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donald: caw caw, motherfuckers


forrest: I have a problem.

wolf: If it's harder than 2+2, I can't help. 


*The Squad is playing Minecraft together* 

donald: Ooh, a village! You know what that means! 

forrest: Hostile takeover? 

jake: Genocide?

 jimmy: Steal everything!

 donald: No, I meant-

 kingsley: I didn't know we would fight the ender dragon this early! A village worth of beds isn't enough!


donald: ...I was going to say move into the village and become the mayors...

 kingsley: Ohhhh! That sounds like a better idea. 

wolf: Agreed. 


Police Officer: You have the right to remain silent.

 jake: I choose to waive that right! 

jake: *screaming* 


wolf: My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look. 


Kidnapper: I have your partner. 

jimmy: What? I don't have a partner... 

Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face? 

jimmy: Oh my god, you have wolf. 


wolf: Reverse tooth fairy where you leave money under your pillow and the tooth fairy comes and leaves you a bunch of teeth.

kingsley: Why?

wolf, shaking a bag of teeth: Just because. 


jake: You believe me?

kingsley: jake, you're the last good person on this planet. I'd believe cartoon birds braided your hair this morning. 


jake: *sharpens knife* We've got ways of making people talk.

jake: *cuts piece of cake*

jimmy: ...Can I have some?

jake: Cake is for talkers. 


jimmy: I give up. I am so tired.

 donald: Get the emergency supply!

 forrest: *carries wolf and places them in front of jimmy*

 wolf: *smiles*



wolf: The first time I ever got upset in front of donald, he put his arms around me and it was so awkward that I had to ask him if he was hugging me or reaching for something on the shelf behind me.

wolf is a barbie stanWhere stories live. Discover now