incorrect quotes again eheheheh

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jake: The floor is lava!

kingsley: *helps donald onto the counter*

jimmy: *kicks forrest off the sofa*

wolf: *lays on the floor*

jake: ...Are you okay?

wolf: no


Squad reactions to being called straight:

donald: The fuck, no I'm not.

kingsley: Excuse the hell out of you?

jake: Ding dong, you are wrong!

forrest: Who told you that? And why did they lie?

jimmy: Rude.

wolf: *punches the person* 


kingsley to jake, who's about to get married: Today, two families are becoming one.

wolf, in an ominous voice: Two families enter, one family leaves.

donald: That sounds so threatening...

forrest: The Wedding Games...

jimmy: May the bouquet toss be ever in your favor.

jake: Beautiful.

kingsley: Fuck all of you! 


donald, at kingsley: You're my significant other.

kingsley: Yeah I am!

donald, at wolf: You're my child.

wolf: Yes boss.

donald, at forrest: You're my bitch.

forrest: Yeah I am- wait, what?

donald, at jake: My bestie.

jake: Naturally.

donald, jimmy: HA, GAY!

jimmy: Fuck you. 


wolf: Fine! Judge all you want but...

wolf, points at jake: Married a lesbian.

wolf, points at kingsley: Left a man at the altar.

wolf, points at donald: Fell in love with a gay ice dancer.

wolf, points at jimmy: Threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire.

wolf, points at forrest: Lives in a box! 


jake: From now on we will be using code names.

jake: You can address me as Eagle One.

jake: donald is "been there done that".

jake: jimmy is "currently doing that".

jake: forrest is "it happened once in a dream".

jake: kingsley is "if I had to pick a dude/gal/enby".

jake: And wolf is..

jake: Eagle Two

wolf: Oh thank god. 


wolf: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.

wolf is a barbie stanWhere stories live. Discover now