q&a answers heheh

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there really were not much questions so this may be shorts


asked by SoleilShoyo: who is the most possessive in jimmywolf

-jimmy is lel. they both are extremely possesive but jimmy is just a bit more than wolf

asked by SoleilShoyo: from author- favourite character in weak hero

- its wolf :) followed by jimmy then gerard 

asked by SoleilShoyo:  to jimmywolf - who is most likely to be afraid watching horror movie

- "oh, definately wolf. we watched one last night and he was gripping on my arm so tight the entire way though" -jimmy

asked by SoleilShoyo: to jimmy - how do you feel having such a gorgeous yet handsome boyfriend?

- "it surely is a privledge. he is the bestest person anyone could be with and i couldn't be happier to be with him" -jimmy

*a flustered wolf stand on the side like🧍*

asked by SoleilShoyo: to jimmywolf - who has longer sex drive

- "jimmy does. he doesn't seem to know when enough is enough :/" -wolf

asked by SoleilShoyo: to jimmywolf - who is more hornier

"wolf" -jimmy

"jimmy" -wolf

"what you mean jimmy??? it obviously you"

"no its not"

*insert arguing*

its wolf btw


thats all lol. like i said it would be short but i still hope it was enjoyed. a next chapter will be a while for now but its most likely gonna be part of the adventures of wolf and liv series. 

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