Hey "Riley."

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Rowan's POV

I am so happy! I just got the roll of Riley Matthews on a Disney show called Girl meets world! I loved watching Boy meets World as I grew up so its so awesome that I get to work on the spin off! My characters best friend, Maya Hart, will be played by Sabrina Carpenter. I'm excited to meet her! I know we will be fast friends. My character will also have a love interest, Lucas Friar, but I'm not sure who he will be played by but I'm really excited to meet him. My first day of working on the show will be in 3 days, on Monday. I'm excited to be Riley Matthews!

Peyton's POV

I have an audition today to play Lucas Friar on the spin off of Boy meets world. It will be called Girl meets World. I arrive at my Audition 10 minutes early. In front of me, I see a room full of attractive young guys yearning to play Lucas Friar. I also see a guy so I believe is auditing to play Farkle Minkus, because he is sitting in a different area.

I approach him because he is the least intimidating in this room,"Hi. I'm Peyton Meyer."

"Hey!" He exclaims in a high squeaky voice," I'm Corey Fogelmanis. Nice to meet you."

"So Corey," I say,"What roll are you auditioning for?"

"I will be auditioning for," he stands up and puts his arms our dramatically,"Farkle Minkus."

I laugh at his antics,"Well something tells me you get the part."

Since I've read a snippet of the script, I know that Farkle is a bit dramatic and unusual.

"What part are you auditioning for?" Corey asks.

"Lucas Friar." I answer.

Corey peeks over my shoulder,"Looks like you've got some competition."

I nod," yeah."

Suddenly, a woman exits out of the audition room,"Up next: Peyton Meyer."

I stand up," that's my cue."

I wave goodbye to Corey and walk nervously to the audition room.

"Peyton, please stand here," the lady directs me,"right in front of the camera."

I do as she says and wait for one of the casting directors to address me.

"Peyton, please read Scene 2, Act 1. Ashley here," he motions to Ashley," will be reading opposite you."

I nod and turn to the place in my script and then Ashley begins the scene.

"Hi," Ashley says,"We were just talking about you."

"I'm Lucas." I say, putting a smirk on my face.

"I love it!" She exclaims.

"Okay stop." The director calls," Now read from scene 4, act 2."

I nod and turn to the correct page in my script and again, Ashley begins the scene.

"Hey." She says.

"Hey back." I reply.

We continue on with the scene where I sit with Riley in the lunch room. Finally after I do a few more scenes, the director says he will get back to me.

Man, I hope I get this part.

Rowan's POV

I'm sitting on my bed reading a book when I get a call from the director.

"Hey Rowan!" He greets me.

"Hey Mr.B." I reply.

"So we did auditions for your love interest, Lucas Friar, today and I think we found our guy." He told me.

"Great!" I exclaim," who is it?"

"Peyton Meyer." He says," we haven't told him yet though. We are going to call him right after I get off with you."

"Okay!" I say," I'm excited to work with him! I'll let you go. Bye, Mr.B."

We both hang up and I go back to my book.

Peyton Meyer. Huh. I wonder what he will be like.

Peyton's POV

As I hop out of the shower, I hear my phone ringing from my bed room. I practically sprint to my phone and answer.

"Hello?" I say, almost too urgently.

"Is this Peyton Meyer?" A male voice asks.

I take a deep breath,"Yes, sir."

"Hello Peyton, I'm Director Sam Bronson, the main director of Girl Meets World. I'm calling to inform you that you have received the roll of Lucas Friar!" He exclaims.

"Oh, wow!" I smile,"Thats Great! Thank you so much!"

"We start work on Monday! You will need to be at the set at 9:30 in the morning. Your agent will send you any extra details you need." He informs me.

"I'll be there!" I say.

"Oh, and," he adds,"you're love interest on the show, Riley Matthews, is played by Rowan Blanchard. She said she is excited to work with you!"

"I'm excited too!" I say.

He pauses and says," we look forward to working with you! Bye Peyton!"

I hang up the phone and practically jump up and down like a girl. My first part on a sitcom. I'm so excited.

Rowan Blanchard. Huh. I wonder what she will be like.

Rowan's POV

Today is finally the day. Monday. Our first day of work. I am supposed to be on set at 9:30am so I leave home at 8:30am.

"Bye Mom, Bye Dad!" I call as I walk out the door.

"Bye Sweetie!" They call back at the same time.

With a pep in my step and a smile on my face, I walk out the door.

I get to set at 9:00 I see a perky blonde sitting by the snack counter.

"Hi!" I exclaim as I approach her,"I'm Rowan. You must be Sabrina. Nice to meet you!"

She grins,"Nice to meet you too!"

We chit chat for the next 30 minutes as we snack on cheese cubes and diced meat.

"Rowan, Sabrina." The director called,"Time to do a reading."

We nod and follow him to the room where we will do a read through.

When I walk through the door I see Ben Savage(otherwise known as Cory Matthews), Danielle Fishel(otherwise known as Topanga Matthews), Corey Fogelmanis(I was told he will play Farkle), and lastly, a boy I assume to be Peyton Meyer(who will be playing Lucas Friar).

I approach Ben and Danielle and introduce myself,"Hi, Ben and Danielle. I'm a big fan! I'm Rowan Blanchard. Nice to meet you!"

Ben smiled really big at me,"Nice to meet you, Rowan."

Danielle nodded,"Nice to meet you as well!"

I smiled and walked over to Corey and Peyton so I could introduce myself to them.

"Hey Farkle, Hey Lucas." I joked,"I'm Rowan. Nice to meet you!"

"Hey Riley." Peyton smiled up at me.

Peyton's POV

I smiled up at her and she laughed when I called her Riley. Rowan is a perky brunette who, I can tell, will be a lot of fun to work with. I can't wait to work with her.

We run through Season 1, Episodes 1,2,3, and 4 and then we call it a day. It's been an eventful weekend. I'm so excited that I get to work with Corey, Danielle, Ben, Sabrina, and of course Rowan.


Hey guys!!! It's the first chapter! I hope you liked this! I loved writing it. I'm so excited for this book. I hope you liked it!

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