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Peyton's POV

I don't get Rowan. I know she likes me. She knows I like her. I know it would be difficult because we are both in fake relationships but I don't care. I don't see why she does. Okay, maybe I do. We wouldn't be able to hang out alone in public. Nobody, not our parents, our friends, not a single person could know. So I guess I understand. But we like each other. Wouldn't it be worth it?

I guess not.

After I angrily stalked out of Rowan's dressing room, I walk right into Sabrina. Crying.

"Sabrina, are you okay?" I ask.

She sniffles,"Not really. Bradley and I broke up."

"Oh my Gosh, Sabrina. I'm so sorry," I tell her, hugging her,"why?"

She looks down,"Come with me. I don't want to talk about it here."

I follow her to her dressing room and sit down on her couch.

"He broke up with me because of our kiss. You know. The fake one on the beach. I tried to explain that it was fake but he said we shouldn't have took it that far. I'm pretty sure he is already dating G Hannelius. I'm just really sad." She told me, tears streaming down her face.

I wrapped my arm around her,"I'm so sorry."

She wiped her tears,"So..what's going on with you and Rowan?"

I sigh,"We were dating.. But she broke up with me when she and Corey started fake dating. It was too much for her. She was afraid that we would end up getting hurt anyways."

"Oh, I'm sorry Pey." Sabrina hugged me.

"So, both of us were dumped because of fake dating." I stated.

Sabrina laughed, although I doubt it was sincere,"I guess so."

She glanced up at me and met my eyes. Suddenly I felt myself leaning in and she did to. Then my lips touched hers. The kiss was, like before, not what I wanted but I didn't stop. It blocked out the pain of Rowan for a while. I wrapped my hands around her waist, then slowly dropping down to her ass. Her hands wrapped around my neck and till they wandered down to the button of my pants. I broke the kiss and looked at her.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She quickly nodded before pulling me back to the kiss. Needless to say, clothes started flying and found ourselves naked. In case you're not getting it, we had sex.

When we were done, we both put our heads in our hands.

"We just made a huge mistake." She said.

"Yep." I agreed.

"How are we going to tell Bradley and Rowan?" She asked.

I faced her,"Maybe we don't tell them..?"

"We have to, Pey." She sighed,"We like them. Not each other."

"I can't tell Rowan this. She will never forgive me." I told Sab.

She frowned,"You think Bradley will forgive me?"

"Probably not." I answered.

"We have to do it. The sooner the better." She said.

"Okay," I sighed in defeat," I'm gonna put my clothes on."

I put on my jeans and my flannel and slowly and quietly left Sabrina's dressing room.

Rowan was standing by the snack table. Head down.

"Hey Row,"I approached,"Look I'm sorry for the way I acted before. I was out of line. I should have respected how you felt."

She nodded,"thanks for that. Listen, I have to go. My mom is calling."

I nod and watch her walk away, wondering how on earth I'm going to tell her about the mistake I made with Sabrina.

Rowan's POV

I answered my mothers call and walked toward the exit.

"Yes mom, I'm leaving now." I told her.

"Be home in 10 minutes." She said strictly.

"I will. Love you mom. Bye." I pressed end.

It was then I realized that I had no ride home.

I turned around,"Peyton!"

He raised his head and walked to me,"Yes ma'am?"

"Could you possibly give me a ride home?" I ask in my nicest possible tone.

He smiled but I hinted nervousness in his voice,"No problem."

I followed him out to his car and he opened the door for me.

"Thanks." I smiled.

I bucked my seat belt and he started towards my house.

"Hey Row?" He glanced at me and then back to the road,"I need to tell you something."

"Sure, go ahead." I reassured him.

"Um," I saw sweat bead out on his forehead,"Sabrina and I...."

"Yeah?" I urged him to continue.

"Sabrina and I.....um...." He stuttered.

"Yes?" I asked again.

"We...were talking about how much we care about you. that's all." He said.

I frowned,"uh...okay. Thanks. I care about you too as well."

At that moment we pulled up to my house.

"By Pey. Thanks for the ride." I smiled and hugged him.

"Anytime, Row." He replied as I closed the door of his car. With that he drove away.


I'm sorry it's took me so long to update. Been busy and it's getting too much to post every day or even every other day. Probably once a week. I'm sorry but I have dance practice and it's getting to be too much for every day. Hope you liked this chapter!!!

Btw I never proof read my chapters so if they all have typos I'm really sorry.

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