The kiss

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Peyton's POV

I arrive at set at 9:30 the next morning like usual but today I had a little more pep in my step and a bigger smile on my face. Today I get to kiss Rowan. Even though it's just in front of a camera, I'm excited.

"Hey guys!" I exclaim as I approach Rowan and Corey.

Rowan was already in costume for the kiss. Her hair was curled and she had a bit of make up on.

"Hey Pey!" Rowan exclaims.

"Yo Peyton." Corey smirked.

I smiled at Rowan,"You ready to kiss me?"

She laughs,"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Hey," I said defensively,"I'm a great kisser."

"Well," she glanced up at me,"I guess we will just see about that."

"Alrighty guys!" The director called,"time to start shooting. We will start with the kissing scene."

He positioned Rowan and I so she was on my lap and he went to the directors chair.


"Remember those things we were taking about that we're going to remember forever?" Riley asked.

I(Lucas) nodded.

Riley grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me.

She pulled away and I smiled at her.


I was sad that the kiss had to end. I felt sparks I had never felt. She had to have felt it too. Did she?

Rowan's POV

When the director yelled cut, I hopped off of Peyton's lap and waited for the next instruction from the director. He told us to take 5 and we would start back up with the scene where Lucas asks Cory's permission to go out on a date with Riley.

I grabbed a bottle of water and met Sabrina at the lounge area.

"Hey Sab." I greeted her.

"Hey rowwwww." She smirked.

"Don't." I state.

"How was your kiss?" She asked, deliberately ignoring my request.

I smiled,"It was fine."

"Any," she raised her eyebrows,"Sparks?"

"It was purely professional." I told her.

"Riigghhtt." She said sarcastically.

Then, Peyton and Corey approached us.

"Hey Corey, Hey Pey," I said.

"Hey Rowan." Cory replied.

Peyton smiled when he saw me,"Hey Row boat."

For some reason, I blushed when he said that but not because I like him. Our relationship is purely professional.

I swear.

Peyton came and sat by me while Corey sat down by Sabrina.

"So what are y'all's plans after shooting today?" Peyton asked, looking at me.

"Well," Sabrina interjected,"Cory and I are meeting Bradley at his house."

"What about you Row?" Peyton asked.

"I got ungrounded last night so," I paused,"I guess I don't have any plans."

"You wanna maybe," Peyton rubbed his neck,"go get some frozen yogurt?"

I smiled to myself,"Uh, yeah. Sure. Bring me home after?"

"Of course, ma'am." He said, tipping his imaginary hat, mocking his character.

I laughed and looked up at Sabrina, who was raising her eyebrows yet again.

I pulled out my phone and texted her.

Me: Shut up.

Her phone dinged and she picked it up and laughed.

Sab: lol Peyton and Rowan sitting in a tree

I growled at her and finally the directors called us back to set.

We finished up the scene after taking it 3 or 4 times and then we called it quits for the day.

"Ready to go, Row?" Peyton asked as I walked out of my dressing room, bag in hand.

"Sure am, Bucky mc-boing boing." I laughed as I mocked Sabrina's character.

He laughed and we walked out to his car. He opened the car door for me like a true southern gent and then walked around to the other side.

As we drove down the road, Sabrina's song "Too Young" came on.

If I'm too young, to fall in love, why do you keep running through my brain. And if I'm too young to know anything, then why do I know that I'm just not the same. Don't tell me I won't. Don't tell me I can't feel. What I'm feeling is real. Cause I'm not too young.

I sang along as Peyton tried to stifle laughs.

"What are you laughing at?" I smirked.

"You." He told me.

"Oh yeah?" I said nudging his shoulder,"What's so funny?"

"Nothing." He chuckled to himself as we pulled up to the parking lot of TCBY.

"I'm a good singer." I told him Matter-of-factly.

"I never said you weren't." He remarked.

I didn't answer and just sang along to the next song.

Peyton's POV

When Rowan went quiet, I took this as a chance to mention the kiss. I felt something. I need to know if she did.
When Row and I sat at our table at TCBY, I took my chance.

"So did you like our kiss?" I asked, half jokingly, half not.

"You did a good job." She told me.

"Uh, you did too." I said a little disappointed.

We sat in absolute awkward silence as we ate our yogurt. But I finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey Row?" I grabbed her attention.

"Yeah?" She replied as she stirred her yogurt.

"Can I uh ask you something?" I stuttered.

"You just did." She smirked.

" you like," I paused. me. Just say me,"your yogurt?

She told me that she liked her yogurt as I kicked myself mentally for not asking her what I really wanted to ask.

I drove her home like usual and let her out.

"Bye, Row." I tell her as she gets out of my car.

"Bye Pey." She says.


Hey guys! Hope you liked this. Sorry if it sucked.

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