Im gonna make them pay

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Peyton's POV

I walked onto set the next morning and Rowan was at the snack table. I wanted more than anything than to go up to her and talk to her like nothing happened but I know I can't and my thoughts are confirmed when she glares at me. I drop my head and go to my dressing room where I sit on my couch and drink some coffee.

The director pops his head into my room,"Peyton, be on set in an hour. You need to change and go to hair and make up."

I nod and change into my Lucas clothes and walk over to hair and make up where Denise does my hair. I'm on set at exactly 10:04. Today we are shooting Riley and Lucas's 2nd date.

(A/N this is a made up scene. Not actually from the show)

Rowan walks on set a few minutes after me and i can't look her in the eye.

"Okay guys!" The director said,"This is Lucas and Riley's 2nd date. There will be another kiss on my cue. Ready?"

I nodded and Rowan Cringed.



"Hey Riley!" I(Lucas) approached the perky brunette.

Riley smiled,"Hey Lucas."

"So I was thinking.." I paused grabbing Riley's (Rowan's) hand,"We could go on another date this afternoon. We could give us another try."

Riley(Rowan) smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek,"I'd love to."

(On the date)

Riley approached me on the subway wearing wedges, a floral print top, and cropped jeans.

"Hey Lucas," Riley said.

I(the real me) was speechless.

"Peyton," the director whispered,"You're line."

Oh right. I snapped back into character.

"Rowa-Riley you look beautiful." I looked her in the eye.

She looked away from my gaze but that wasn't her character. That was Rowan.

"Now." The director cues us to kiss.

I softly grabbed Rowan's face and kissed her for a few seconds before she broke the kiss and ran off set and into her dressing room. Sabrina was close behind her.

Rowan's POV

I stormed into my dressing room and jumped onto my couch with my head in my hands.

"Rowan," Sabrina approached softly,"Are you okay?"

My face formed into a scowl,"Am I okay? My best friend fucked my ex boyfriend. The ex boyfriend I still have feelings for. The ex boyfriend that I just had to kiss and it hurts so bad i can barely breathe. So does it sound like I'm doing a-okay?"

"Rowan...I'm sorry." She whispered in shame.

" I'm sure you are." I spat,"Now get the fuck out of my dressing room."

She nodded and practically sprinted out of there. I just let myself cry.

But that's when I realized.

Why should I be upset? Why should I be suffering? They are the ones who did something wrong. They should be suffering. They should be crying. Not me. And I'm gonna make them pay.


Sorry this one is short. Love you guys. Sorry for the bad language.

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