Rowan and I..

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Rowan's POV

I slept wonderfully that night. I dreamt of Peyton and I. When I walked on set the next morning, Uriah avoided eye contact with me. We didn't speak. Peyton kept giving him the evil eye all morning.

When the directors walked on set, they weren't happy.

"Peyton. Rowan. We need to speak to you immediately. Office. Now." The main director demanded.

Peyton and I exchanged glances and walked into the room.

"Have either of you checked your social media today?" He asked as we sat down.

"I haven't." Peyton spoke up.

"Me neither." I told them,"Why?"

"Why? You ask." He paces,"Take a look at what's going all over the Internet."

He shows us a picture of Peyton and I kissing in front of my house.

My mouth dropped and so did Peyton.

"What the hell were you two thinking?" He yelled,"Lucaya and riarkle fans are rioting. there is talk of them boycotting the show. That would make us lose 80% of our audience. The show would be canceled."

Neither of us knew what to say.

"Do you have anything to say for yourselves?" He demanded.

We both shook our heads, with no clue what to say.

"You both are on thin ice. There is a reason we paired you both with other people. Since the show revolves around Rucas, we had to find a way to satisfy the Lucaya and riarkle shippers. Now we are going to lose lots of followers. I can't believe you two." He ranted.

He yelled us some more demands and angry comments and then he dismissed us. Then we saw everyone's eyes glue to us when we walked out of the meeting. They all knew what the meeting was about.

Sabrina approached us,"I knew you two would work it out."

Good, one person is on our side.

Uriah just glared at us with fury in his eyes. Corey looked upset, probably because he has had a crush on me since the beginning. He doesn't know that I knew. Danielle and Ben smiled at us knowingly.

"So the truths out, huh?" Peyton stated.

"Looks like it." I observed.

The directors told us that after work today, we had to go to the cameras and say it was a publicity stunt to promote Rucas. We hesitantly agreed because we knew that otherwise, we would be fired.

Today we are filming the first episode of season 3. Lucas and Riley are officially dating this season and in this episode, Lucas is going to take Riley to meet his mother and learning more about the friar past.

Peyton and I shoot the scene where we meet Lucas's mom and then the scene where we hold hands. Then we got a 10 minute break.

Peyton, Sabrina, and I sat in the lounge area. Corey and Uriah avoided us.

"So," Sabrina sighed,"What was the meeting about?"

"The directors aren't happy with us." Peyton stated.

I nodded in agreement,"We have to go on camera after shooting today and tell everyone it was just a publicity stunt."

"I'm sorry guys," she told us.

We both shrugged.

The directors called us back to set and we finished shooting the episode. Then Peyton and I knew what we had to do. We had to lie to the world in spite of what we feel for each other.

When we walked outside together, we were swarmed with paparazzi.

"ROWAN! PEYTON!" A pap called,"Is it true you two are a thing?"

"Isn't he too old for you?" Another called.

"Are you together? The public needs to know." Another shouted.

"Listen up!" Peyton yelled," Rowan and I..."

He paused and glanced down at me. Hurt was spread across his face.

"Rowan and I..." He paused again.

He sighed again,"Rowan and I are...."


Sorry this one was shorter. I wanted to end it with a cliffhanger. Hope you liked this!

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