Telling the truth

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Peyton's POV

After I drove away from Rowan's house, I felt guilt rise up inside me. More intense than before. I should have told her. I had the chance to tell her but I didn't. I have to tell her the truth.

Suddenly desperate to tell he, I make a very illegal u-turn and drive back to Rowan's house. I get there in less than 5 minutes.

I sit in my car for at least 15 minutes trying to build up the courage to do this. The air conditioner in my car is all the way up but my palms and forehead are sweating immensely. Finally, I get out of my car and walk slowly to the door.

I knock the door 3 times and a woman that looks like Rowan but much older answers the door.

"May I help you?" The woman asks.

"Um...uh.." I stutter,"Can I speak to Rowan for a moment?"

Sabrina's POV

At this moment, I'm pacing back and forth in my apartment trying to think of a way to tell Bradley what I did. I messed up so horribly and I'm so scared he will never forgive me. The worst part is the only person I want to talk about this with is Rowan but I can't do that. I slept with her ex boyfriend. She probably won't ever forgive her and I don't blame her.

Realizing the longer I wait to tell Bradley the worse it will be, I jump in my car and drive to his house. I take 4 deep breaths before I get out of my car and practically run to the door. I knock once and I'm in utter shock of who is standing in front of me.

G. Hannelius

"oh, hello Sabrina. Can I help you?" She snarled with an evil smirk on her face.

I clenched my jaw in anger,"I need to speak to Bradley."

Peyton's POV

The woman I assume to be Rowan's mother, nods to my request and calls Rowan out. She whispers something in Rowan's ear and then Walks into the house closing the door behind her.

"Hey Pey, what's up?" She asked.

I looked down at my feet,"Row, I've been trying to find a way to tell you this. I tried to tell you in the car but I couldn't get the words to come out of my mouth."

"Something about you and Sabrina?" She frowns remembering my failed attempt at telling her the truth.

I nod nervously,"Yes."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Tell me."

"Um...Sabrina and I slept together." I forced the words out of my mouth and looked down in guilt.

Sabrina's POV

Bradley comes out of the house and when he see's me, a scowl comes across his face.

"What are you doing here?" He growled at me.

"I came to talk to you," I glare at G,"Alone."

"G,go on inside. I'll handle this." He tells her and she follows his instructions and goes inside.

"Bradley," I start,"First of all, I came to tell you that I still have feelings for you and I still want to be with you, even if you are making kissy faces with stick-figure in there."

His face that once hold a scowl, dropped to almost a smile,"I still have feelings for you too. G has been just a distraction. Someone I played with while I was dealing with our break up. I'm sorry I broke up with you. It was stupid. It's not like there is actually anything between you two."

I look down at my shoes when he says those words,"Bradley, I do need to tell you something. Something I did. I regret it and it was just a distraction like G has been for you... Remember that before I tell you this."

"Sabrina, it's okay. Just tell me. It happened when we broke up. We can get past it." He reassured me.

"Bradley, I had Sex with Peyton." I told him.


I'm sorry that this one is kind of short but I wanted to end with a cliffhanger(or 2😊). Hope you liked this.

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