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Peyton's POV

The next day, I arrive on set at 9:30 sharp. Today we are shooting the first episode. Rowan and Sabrina are already here and in full costume and make up. I smile and approach them.

"Hey Rowan, Hey Sabrina."I greet them.

"Hey Peyton!" Sabrina smiles.

"Hey!" Rowan replies," by the way, all my friends call me Row or row boat.So, if you want, you can call me that."

"Okay," I say,"Row boat."

She giggles,"What can I call you?"

I thought for a moment,"Um..I don't really have a nickname."

"Well," she pondered for a moment,"You do now. I will call you Pey."

"You do that." I laugh.

"Hey guys!" The director approaches us,"time to start shooting! Rowan, Ben, Danielle, and Sabrina, you're up."

All the people he called went to the set that was supposed to be Riley's bedroom. Rowan and Sabrina sat by the bay window and waited for the director to yell action.

"Action!" The director called.

"Riley" and "Maya" then started chatting about taking the subway when "Cory" and "Topanga" enter. It's very interesting to watch. They ran the scene a few times and then they moved to the subway scene.

My turn.

I go to the subway set and sit on the bench in supposed to sit on while Rowan and Sabrina stand by a subway pole.

"ACTION!" The director calls and Rowan and Sabrina start spewing out their lines.

Finally, Maya pushed Riley off the subway pole and she landed on my lap. That was my cue to smile but I would have smiled anyways.

"Hi, I'm Riley," she said awkwardly,"We were just talking about you."

I smiled,"I'm Lucas."

"I love it!" She exclaimed.

I laughed and let her sit in the seat next to me. The rest of the scene went on but I barely paid attention. I was lost in thought.

We finished out the day at 4 in the afternoon. As I walked out of my dressing room to leave, Rowan approached me.

"Hey Pey!" She greeted me.

"Hey Row boat!" I smiled.

She laughed,"Sabrina,Corey,and I are going to get some frozen yogurt. Want to come along?"

I nodded,"Yeah that sounds great!"

I followed her outside and we agreed to ride in my car. Corey and Sabrina are riding in Sabrina's car. Rowan and I will be in mine.

We got in the car and buckled our seat belts. Rowan immediately reached for the radio and turned it up. The song Yoncé/partition by Beyoncé was on.

"I love this song!" She grinned as she turned the volume up.

She sang along as we drove to TCBY. I couldn't keep myself from laughing at her as she yelled the words Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor.

By the time the song was over, we pulled up to TCBY(the country's best yogurt).

"So I'm guessing your a big Beyoncé fan?" I ask.

She laughed,"What was your first clue?"

When we walked in, Sabrina, Corey, and the guy who played Gabe on Good Luck Charlie were already there.

"Hey," I said,"Bradley right?"

He nodded,"You must be Peyton."

"That's me!" I said as I pulled out a chair for Rowan and sat down.

We talked for a minute and then Rowan and I went to get our yogurt.

"Ooh! Strawberry cheesecake flavor!" She grinned and filled her tub then she dumped cheesecake cubes all over it.

I got some Blueberry flavor and topped it with actual blueberries.

We sat downand talked to the rest of the cast(and Bradley) about the scene we did today. We were all pretty proud of it.

Rowan was getting pretty chatty with Corey and, for some reason, I felt my stomach clench. Suddenly she got a text and looked down at her phone.

"Hey guys," Rowan said grabbing everyone's attention,looking at her phone,"I gotta get home."

Sabrina frowned,"Aww comon Row. Stay!"

"I can't!" She looked at me,"Can you drop me at home?"

"Yeah of course!" I said.

We said our goodbyes and I followed Rowan out to the car. As we buckled our seat belts I turned to Rowan.

"Why did you have to go home so early?" I asked.

"My mom said I had to. Some family stuff is going on." She explained.

"Oh okay," I replied,"I hope everything is alright."

"Hey do you have my number?" She asked.

"Um," I thought for a moment,"No, I don't think so."

She didn't reply, she just grabbed my phone from my middle console and entered in her phone number.

"I gave you my number so you can text me." She said,"so text me."

"Okay." I smiled,"Will do."

She instructed me on how to get to her house and I dropped her at home at 5:30.

"Bye Row Boat!" I exclaim.

She giggled,"Bye Pey!"

Rowan's POV

I ran into my house, hoping to avoid trouble with mom and dad.

"Rowan Blanchard." My mother said sternly as I entered the door.

"Hi mom." I replied with my head down.

"You're late." She scowled.

"I texted you and told you I was going to TCBY." I explained.

"Well," she growled,"Now I'm telling you to go to your room. You're grounded. For you it's now work and home."

"Okay." I said as I walked gloomily to my room.

"Oh and Rowan," my mother stopped me,"Give me your phone."

I sighed and handed it over.

Peyton's POV

When I got home, I debated on whether or not to text Rowan. I thought I should wait a little while so it didn't seem to soon but I decided to go ahead and do it. No time like the present.

Me: Hey Row Boat, it's Peyton!

It wasn't long until I got a reply.

Rowan🙆: don't text me ever again.

I was confused. She seemed so nice and she gave me her number. That's kind of rude. I dropped her off at home and I was totally nice to her. And to think, I actually kind of had a little-bitty thing for her.


Hey guys! I updated, yay! Hope you like this chapter! What is up with Rowan's mom?


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