You're a princess

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Rowan's POV

The next day, I got to set at 9:30. I saw Sabrina and Peyton at the snack counter so I put on a fake smile and approached them.

"Hey Sab!" I smiled,"Hey pey!"

Sabrina smiled back while Peyton gave me a dirty look, mumbled something under his breath,and walked away.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Sabrina.

She shrugged and said,"Hey you should probably go get ready. We have to start shooting by 9:45."

I nodded and ran to my dressing room. I threw on my Riley outfit for the day and then Michelle(hair and make up girl) did my hair and make up.

I was ready and on set by 9:43. Peyton walked by me so I tried to speak to him again.

"Hey Pey!" I called.

He ignored me again.

I decided to see what was up.

I ran over to him and tapped him on the shoulder,"Peyton, what's wrong with you?"

"Sorry," he snapped,"I thought since I'm not supposed to text you ever again, I probably shouldn't talk to you either."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

He pulled out his phone and pulled up a text message,"Does this look familiar?"

I read the words on the screen,"Peyton, I didn't send that. My mom took my phone last night. Why would I give you my phone number just to say this to you?"

He shugged,"Sorry I snapped at you. I should have asked you about it."

"It's okay, hug it out?" I laughed, holding out my arms.

As Sabrina, Corey, and Ben filmed their scene, He hugged me and picked me up and swung me around.

As I laughed, he director called us,"Peyton, Rowan! Time to film the white horse scene."

We nodded and walked over to the set.

"Action!" The director called.

"What am I to you?" I asked Lucas.

"What we are you to me?" He said as he called over a white horse.

He went over to the horse, jumped on its back and helped me do the same.

"To me..." He smiled, putting a princess hat on my head,"you're a princess."

"Cut!" The director called,"Good job guys! Take 5."

Peyton and I climbed off the horse and joined Sabrina and Corey at the lounge area.

"Great scene you guys!" Corey told us.

"Yeah!" Sabrina agreed,"You guys looked like you were actually into each other."

Peyton and I could tell she was hinting at something.

"Yeah," I laughed," we are amazing actors."

Peyton nodded,"Hell yeah, we are."

I nudged Peyton with my elbow and he nudged back.

"Uh-huh." Sabrina said sarcastically.

Peyton's POV

As Sabrina continually probed Rowan and I, the director called us all to set.

"Okay guys," he motioned for us to sit down,"you guys did a great job on the scenes today. We will film the final episode of the season tomorrow. Girl Meets First Date. Rowan, you and Peyton will have a kissing scene so be prepared."

Rowan and I nodded, but it took everything I had not to smile at the fact that I get to kiss Rowan!

The director called it a day and we were sent home.

"Hey Row Boat!" I called,"Do you need a ride home again?"

Her face lit up,"Sure!"

She skipped toward me and we walked together to my car. I opened her door for her and then I ran around to the other side.

"Do you want to stop, just the two of us, and get some fro-yo or something?" I asked.

She shook her head,"No, I can't. I'm grounded."

"Why?" I asked.

She sighed,"My mother was mad that I got home too late."

"Didn't you text her and tell her you were getting frozen yogurt?" I frowned.

"Yes." She answered simply.

"Huh," I glanced at Row,"Why is she so strict on you?"

She sighed again,"Well, I don't tell many people this but I had an older brother. When he was 16, he went out and was in a terrible car accident that killed him and all of his friends. Ever since then, my mother is scared to let me out of her sight."

"Oh my God, Row," I pulled the car over,"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," she gave me a sad smile,"anyways, let's talk about something else."

I took this as my chance to bring up the kiss,"so are you nervous about the kiss?"

As I pulled back onto the highway, Row said," a little bit. It's my first kiss so yeah. What about you?"

"Well kinda. I have kissed a girl before but never in front of a whole camera crew and directors so it will be different." I replied.

"I'm sure you'll do great." She smiled at me.

I grinned,"I'm sure you will too."

A few seconds later, I pulled up to Rowan's house.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Row Boat!" I called after her as she got out of the car.

She laughed,"You too, Pey!"

Okay, maybe I like her a little bit.


Hey Guys! I'm sorry that this was a little shorter. I still hope it was good. Probably not my best work but it will get better. Still trying to settle into this new story. Anyways, hope you liked it. Oh and I'm sorry that the order of the episodes are weird. I don't really know what order the shows are in so I'm kind of making it up as I go along. Also, if I call Sabrina, Maya, or Peyton, Lucas, or Rowan, Riley, please call me out on it. I'm so used to writing a Rucas story that I don't even realize I do it.

Anyways, Favorite and comment!

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