Diary entry of the afternoon with milk

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Dear diary,

Today was a warm and sunny day, perfect for spending some time outside. I decided to go to the park and play with some breasts. Oh, how I love to squeeze them! The feeling of the squishy breasts running through my fingers is just so satisfying.

I spent hours playing and squeezing the breasts, feeling carefree and happy. The sound they make when I squeeze them is so delightful, and it's just so much fun to see the milk squirt out. I even managed to get some of my friends to join in on the fun. We had a blast playing together and trying to soak each other with our breast milk.

Playing with breasts always takes me back to my happiest times. It reminds me of simpler times and how much joy there is to be found in simple things like this.

I'm so grateful to have these moments of pure joy and happiness in my life. I hope that I can always find the time to play and squeeze cute breasts whenever I need a break from the world.

Love, Ochaco Uraraka

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