Bunny sleep over

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Ochaco Uraraka, dressed up in a sexy bunny costume, giggled mischievously as she entered the room where her fellow female classmates from U.A. High School were waiting.

Mina Ashido, the pink-skinned girl with acid-related powers, whistled appreciatively. "Oh, wow, Ochaco! You're looking hot as the Easter Bunny tonight!"

Kyoka Jiro, with her earphone jacks, smirked. "I didn't know the Easter Bunny could be this sexy."

Tsuyu Asui, the frog-like girl, blinked in surprise. "Ribbit? This is not what I expected the Easter Bunny to look like."

Ochaco winked playfully. "Well, ladies, I thought we could have a little spicy Easter fun tonight."

Mina grinned. "Count me in! This is gonna be one wild Easter night!"

Kyoka nodded enthusiastically. "I'm up for some kinky Easter adventures."

Tsuyu looked a little uncertain but curious. "Ribbit? I'll give it a try."

The girls gathered around Ochaco, and she began to regale them with a series of bizarre events that she had planned for their Easter night.

First, they played a game of "Pin the Tail on the Bunny," but with a twist. Ochaco blindfolded each girl and had them use their lips to try to pin the fluffy cotton tail on her bunny costume. The girls laughed and giggled as they tried to find the right spot, accidentally brushing against Ochaco's curves in the process.

Next, they moved on to a game of "Egg Hunt," but with a naughty twist. Ochaco had hidden colorful eggs in various places around the room, and the girls had to find them using their bodies, without using their hands. They crawled and wriggled, their bunny tails bobbing enticingly as they searched for the eggs.

As the night went on, the girls became bolder, and their antics turned more risqué. They played "Bunny Limbo," using Ochaco's limber body as the limbo bar, and things quickly devolved into a game of "Truth or Dare," with each girl daring the others to do progressively more daring and revealing acts.

Ochaco, in her bunny costume, took center stage, dancing and teasing her friends with suggestive moves. The girls cheered and hooted, caught up in the spicy and kinky atmosphere of the night.

As the night came to a close, Ochaco and her friends were breathless and flushed from their wild Easter adventures. They exchanged playful winks and nods, promising to keep their naughty Easter secrets.

Ochaco, Mina, Kyoka, and Tsuyu collapsed onto a pile of cushions, laughing and catching their breath after their spicy Easter night. Ochaco grinned as she adjusted her bunny ears, feeling a thrill from the unexpected adventure.

Mina giggled, her cheeks flushed. "That was so much fun! I never knew Easter could be this spicy."

Kyoka nodded, her earphone jacks twitching playfully. "Yeah, that was definitely a night to remember. Thanks for the excitement, Ochaco."

Tsuyu smiled, her big eyes blinking happily. "Ribbit! It was different, but I had fun too."

Ochaco beamed, feeling a sense of satisfaction from successfully pulling off the surprise. "I'm glad you all enjoyed it. It was definitely a memorable Easter."

They chatted and laughed, reliving the highlights of the night. Ochaco couldn't help but blush as she remembered some of the daring dares and cheeky truths they had shared. It had been an unforgettable experience, and she was grateful for her friends' enthusiasm and open-mindedness.

As the night wound down, they decided to keep their spicy Easter night a secret, agreeing that it was a special memory just for them. They bid each other goodnight, already looking forward to their next adventure together.

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