Ochaco spends time with Danny

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As Danny continues to use his shadow tentacles to tease and play with Eri and Misty, Ochaco Uraraka becomes curious and wants to try it out for herself. She shyly asks Danny if she can try and he happily agrees.

As she stands there, Danny summons his shadow tentacles and wraps them around Ochaco's waist, lifting her up slightly. She giggles cutely and blushes as the tentacles wrap around her hips and down towards her butt.

"Wow, these feel amazing!" Ochaco exclaims, wiggling her hips a bit to feel the tentacles move with her movements.

Danny watches as Ochaco tries out different poses and movements, giggling and blushing the whole time. The other girls cheer her on, encouraging her to be even cuter and more playful.

As the playful teasing continues, Danny uses his quirk to make the tentacles even more sensitive, causing Ochaco to squeal and giggle uncontrollably. She bounces up and down playfully as the tentacles tickle and tease her, trying out different poses and movements to see how the tentacles respond.

Overall, the scene is filled with lots of cute dialogue and reactions, as well as details about the characters' movements and reactions as they all enjoy the playful teasing and experimentation.

As Ochaco approached the shadow tentacles, she giggled cutely and said, "Oh, these look so fun! Can I try them more?"

Danny blushed shyly but was happy to oblige. He controlled the shadow tentacles to wrap around Ochaco's waist and lifted her up, causing her to let out a cute little squeal.

As the tentacles played with her, Ochaco wiggled cutely in various ways, teasing them with her movements. She even did a little spin, causing the tentacles to spin with her.

"This is so much fun!" she exclaimed, giggling and blushing as the tentacles tickled and teased her.

Marceline and Cream cheered her on, encouraging her to be even cuter in her movements. "You're doing great, Ochaco!" Marceline said, clapping her hands excitedly.

Ochaco continued to playfully tease the tentacles, and Danny controlled them to match her movements. It was a fun and cute little game, and everyone watching couldn't help but smile at how adorable it all was.

Ochaco kept wiggling her bum around, playfully teasing the shadow tentacles with her cute and creative moves. "Come on tentacles, don't be shy!" she giggled, throwing a flirtatious smile over her shoulder. As the tentacles continued to playfully tease her, she let out a cute giggle and wriggled her hips some more. "Oh, that feels so good! Keep going, keep going!" she encouraged, enjoying the sensation of the tentacles caressing her bum in a cute and playful way.

Ochaco continued to tease Danny with her cute wiggling and playful teasing, hoping that he would keep using his shadow tentacle quirk to play with her bum. "Come on, Danny, don't stop now! It feels so good," she giggled, glancing over her shoulder with a playful grin.

Danny blushed but couldn't resist her adorable pleas, and his shadow tentacles responded eagerly, wrapping around her waist and hips to give her a playful squeeze. "You're so cute, Ochaco. I can't resist playing with you," he chuckled, using his quirk to make the tentacles tickle and tease her bum in all sorts of cute and creative ways. 

Ochaco squealed with delight, giggling uncontrollably as the tentacles kept playing with her in all sorts of fun and silly ways. "Oh my gosh, Danny, that's amazing! You're so good at this," she exclaimed, blushing brightly with pleasure. 

The other girls giggled and cheered, watching the cute display with interest. "Wow, Danny, you really know how to please a girl," Beverly giggled, winking at him. "I might have to ask for a turn myself soon!" 

Danny blushed even deeper at her teasing, but he couldn't help feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction at how well he was pleasing Ochaco. "I'm glad you like it, Ochaco. You're so cute when you're happy," he said, using his quirk to give her one final playful squeeze before reluctantly releasing her. 

Ochaco pouted playfully, still feeling the tingling sensation from the tentacles' playful teasing. "Aw, it's over already? That was so much fun," she said, wiggling her bum cutely as if asking for more. 

Danny chuckled, feeling more confident and comfortable with his powers now that he had pleased Ochaco so well. "Don't worry, Ochaco, there's plenty more where that came from. Let's keep having fun together," he said, winking at her and making her giggle with delight.

As Danny controlled his shadow tentacles quirk ability, Ochako giggled and blushed cutely, enjoying the playful attention they were giving her. The tentacles wrapped around her waist, squeezing her hips lightly before moving down towards her butt. Ochako gasped as the tentacles lightly squeezed and massaged her butt, making her wiggle cutely.

Then, one of the tentacles wrapped around one of Ochako's thighs and lifted her leg up, causing her to balance on one foot as the tentacle continued to tease her butt. Ochako's face turned even redder as the tentacles started to tickle her sensitive spots, making her squirm and giggle uncontrollably.

Danny controlled the tentacles with ease, making them move in different patterns and speeds to keep Ochako on the edge of pleasure and teasing. They wrapped around her waist again, lifting her up and making her feel weightless as she giggled and blushed cutely.

Then, the tentacles wrapped around both of Ochako's thighs, spreading her legs apart as they teased her in a more intimate way. Ochako gasped and moaned softly as the tentacles continued to play with her, making her feel sensations she had never felt before.

Throughout it all, Ochako kept teasing Danny with her cute reactions and flirty dialogue, encouraging him to keep playing with her there in all sorts of creative and playful ways. And Danny was happy to oblige, using his quirk to give Ochako the attention and pleasure she deserved.

Ochaco bit her lip nervously, her cheeks still tinted pink from the cute playtime with Danny's shadow tentacles. "Am I just an object for your quirk to play with?" she asked softly, feeling a bit insecure.

Danny's eyes widened in surprise at her words, and he quickly shook his head. "No way, Ochaco. You're not just an object. You're my friend, and I care about you," he said sincerely.

"But it feels like you're only interested in playing with my butt," Ochaco protested, even as she continued to wiggle it teasingly towards him.

Danny chuckled. "Well, it's definitely a fun target," he admitted playfully, his own cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate you for who you are, Ochaco. You're smart, strong, and kind-hearted."

Ochaco smiled at his words, feeling her insecurities dissipating. She continued to tease him with her butt, loving the way his tentacles tickled and teased her sensitive skin.

"You know, it's funny," Danny mused, his shadow tentacles continuing to play with her. "I never thought I'd be able to control something like this. But now that I can, it's like a whole new world has opened up."

Ochaco giggled. "I know what you mean. It's like discovering a new part of yourself."

Danny nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "And it's all thanks to you, Ochaco. Without your encouragement, I never would have realized what I was capable of."

Ochaco blushed at his words, feeling a warm sense of happiness in her chest. She continued to tease him with her butt, enjoying the playful banter between them. Despite her initial worries, she knew that Danny valued her for more than just her body. And that was a comforting thought indeed.

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