Pokémon Day Celebration

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As Bonnie and Misty continue their celebration for Pokémon Day, Bonnie suddenly wonders aloud if she's the only one drinking so much for the occasion. Just then, Ochaco Uraraka from My Hero Academia walks by their window.

Misty excitedly opens the window and calls out to Ochaco, "Hey, come celebrate with us! We're having a Pokémon Day party!" Bonnie blushes at Misty's enthusiasm but also seems excited to have another person join in the celebration.

Ochaco nervously approaches the window, "Um, I don't know. I have a test tomorrow."

Bonnie and Misty give her puppy dog eyes and pout, and Ochaco can't resist. She shyly enters the house and joins in on the celebration, giggling as Bonnie and Misty continue their playful teasing and affectionate antics.

They continue to drink and enjoy each other's company, swapping stories and laughing. As the night draws on, the girls start to get sleepy, but they're all happy and grateful to have spent such a fun and memorable Pokémon Day together.

Misty and Bonnie kept teasing and playing with Ochaco, who was blushing but enjoying their company. They all took turns sharing drinks and toasting to Pokémon Day.

Bonnie noticed Ochaco's hesitation and said, "Don't worry, we won't let tomorrow's test stop us from having fun today. We'll enjoy this moment together and worry about tomorrow when it comes."

Misty chimed in, "That's right! Besides, tomorrow is another day. Today is for celebrating our love of Pokémon!"

Ochaco smiled, feeling more comfortable with the situation. "You're right. I'm glad I decided to join you guys. This is really fun."

The three of them continued to share drinks and talk about their favorite Pokémon, trading stories and admiring each other's passion for the franchise. As the night went on, they laughed and teased each other in the most adorable and playful ways.

Bonnie: You're so bubbly, Uraraka! I love it.

Misty: Yeah, you're adorable. Here, drink some more! It's almost Pokémon Day!

Uraraka: Hehe, thank you. But, are you sure it's okay? I don't want to get in trouble.

Bonnie: Don't worry about it, we won't let anything happen to you. We're just having fun!

Misty: And you're part of the fun too now! So, drink up!

(Uraraka takes a sip of her drink, blushing)

Uraraka: Th-thanks... You two are so kind.

Bonnie: Aww, you're too sweet. We're just having a good time, you know?

Misty: Yeah, we're celebrating Pokémon Day! And we can't do that without some good drinks and good company.

(Bonnie and Misty continue to help Uraraka drink more)

Uraraka: (giggles) You two are really something. I don't know if I can keep up!

Bonnie: Don't worry, we'll make sure you can. Just keep drinking and having fun!

Misty: And if you get too drunk, we'll take care of you. We promise!

(They all continue to drink and play with each other, blushing and giggling throughout the night)

Bonnie: You're so bubbly, Uraraka! I'm glad you decided to join us.

Ochaco Uraraka: Thanks, Bonnie! I'm having a lot of fun.

Misty: Hey, we can't forget that it's Pokémon Day! Let's keep celebrating with more drinks.

Bonnie: Oh, I don't know if I can handle any more, Misty.

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