Ochaco enters Entai School Class

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As Rouge the Bat introduced the new arrival, Ochaco Uraraka from My Hero Academia, a hush fell over the room. Penny, Chloe, Lisa, and Vivian looked at each other with a mix of curiosity and excitement, eager to see what Ochaco had in store.

With a shy yet determined smile, Ochaco stepped forward, her cheeks tinged with a rosy blush. "Um, hi everyone," she greeted, her voice soft but filled with determination. "I-I'm here to help with the experiments."

Penny, Chloe, Lisa, and Vivian exchanged intrigued glances, their hearts racing with anticipation. They had heard about Ochaco's gravity quirk ability skills and were eager to see how she would use them in their quest to make their breasts grow.

Rouge the Bat nodded approvingly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Perfect timing, Ochaco," she remarked, her voice filled with excitement. "Why don't you show us what you can do?"

With a nod, Ochaco stepped forward, her hands glowing with a faint aura. With a focused expression, she activated her quirk, manipulating the gravitational forces around them with precision.

Penny, Chloe, Lisa, and Vivian felt a strange sensation wash over them as Ochaco's quirk took effect. It was as if an invisible force was gently squeezing their breasts, causing them to tingle with anticipation.

As Ochaco continued to manipulate the gravitational forces, Penny, Chloe, Lisa, and Vivian couldn't help but gasp in surprise. They could feel their breasts growing warmer and fuller with each passing moment, a sensation that sent shivers of pleasure down their spines.

With a delighted smile, Rouge the Bat watched as Ochaco's quirk worked its magic, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well done, Ochaco," she exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration. "You've certainly made quite an impression."

With a gentle yet precise motion, Ochaco directed the gravitational forces around them, causing an invisible pressure to envelop Penny, Chloe, Lisa, and Vivian's breasts. They gasped in surprise as they felt their bosoms being gently squeezed, the sensation both unfamiliar and exhilarating.

"Oh my stars!" Penny exclaimed, her voice trembling with excitement as she felt the gravitational force at work. "It's like a warm embrace from the cosmos!"

Chloe's eyes widened in amazement as she felt her breasts responding to Ochaco's quirk. "Oh gosh!" she gasped, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "I-I can feel them tingling!"

And Lisa, her heart pounding with exhilaration, couldn't help but let out a delighted giggle. "Wow, this is incredible!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder. "I can feel them getting fuller!"

With each subtle adjustment of her quirk, Ochaco elicited a chorus of delighted gasps and moans from Penny, Chloe, Lisa, and Vivian. They surrendered themselves completely to the pleasure of the experience, their bodies responding eagerly to Ochaco's gentle manipulation of the gravitational forces.

And as Ochaco continued to work her magic, the room filled with an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation. With each passing moment, Penny, Chloe, Lisa, and Vivian felt a sense of exhilaration building within them, their hearts racing with the thrill of the unknown.

As Ochaco continued to apply her gravity quirk ability skills, Penny, Chloe, Lisa, and Vivian found themselves completely enthralled by the sensation. The gentle pressure on their breasts sent waves of pleasure coursing through their bodies, igniting a fervent desire for more.

"Oh, Ochaco, please keep going," Penny pleaded, her voice filled with longing as she felt her chest responding to the gravitational manipulation. "I want them to grow so badly!"

Chloe echoed Penny's sentiment, her breath coming in short gasps as she surrendered herself to the intoxicating sensation. "Yes, yes, more!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. "I want to feel them getting bigger!"

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