25 ways to annoy Jean Valjean

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25 ways to annoy Jean Valjean

1. Send him back to prison

2. When he asks why, tell him because he sneezed too loudly

3. Say "hi Javert" at random moments when you are around him

4. Tell him Cosette never wants to see him again

5. Tell him that Cosette has been kidnapped by Javert

6.  Always call him "24601" and nothing else

7. Tell him that it was OK that he left his buisness; it was going to fail anyways (When he was mayor and ran a buisness)

8. Tell him that it was all his fault that Fantine died

9. Ask him why he can't just be a man and stop running

10. At the end of every conversation, end with "you better kill Javert or he'll kill you"

11. Tell him that in the end he dies the wimpiest way

12. Always pronounce his name "John Valjohn"

13. After you do that, ask if you can call him "Johnny boy"

14. Ask him to steal a loaf of bread for you

15. Ask him if he has some silver candle sticks lying around that you could use

16. When he asks why, tell him you want to burn down his house (with Cosette inside)

17. Ask if he'll carry your wounded body to your true love

18. Tell him that he is too old to be a revolutionary

19. Ask him how Javert is doing

20. Tell him over and over that he should have stabbed Javert when he had the chance

21. Tell him that he was stupid not to

22. Tell him that the Thenardiers broke into his house and stole everything

23. When he comes back looking frustrated, tell him that you meant Javet broke in and stole everything

24. Do steps 22 and 23 over and over again until you run out of characters and then shrug when you can't think of anymore

25. Do all of these things without getting shot or strangled by him

25 ways to annoy the Les Miserables charactersWhere stories live. Discover now