25 ways to annoy Enjorlas

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25 ways to annoy Enjorlas

1.  Tell him that you are a cop

2.  Ask him if you can use his hair as a mop later

3.  Ask him if he ever smiles

4.  Ask why he even bothers with the revolution because EVERYBODY knows that it is going to fail

5.  Pronounce his name wrong every time you see him

6.  Tell him you ACCIDENTALY tore up the revolution flag

7.  Then tell him that ACCIDENTALLY flushed it down a toilet

8.  Then tell him that when it wouldn't flush, you ACCIDENTALLY let your dog eat it


10. Run in a zigzag pattern to avoid being shot by him after doing those previous steps

11. Tell him that Grantaire broke into his home and stole all of his alcohol

12. Play "Red and Black" on you ipod 24/7 with the speaker on

13. Then ask him to sing a song called "Pink and Purple"

14. Ask him why had to be mean to Marius in the song

15. Laugh as he gives you a "I REALLY want to kill you right now, but there are too many witnesses around" look

16. Give him the puppy eyes and act innocent

17. Sneak attack him every time you see him, but he doesn't see you

18. Run away before he can see who you are

19. Say to him, "wow, you must be really off your game because I have almost annoyed you 20 ways"

20. Then say, "Wait, now I have annoyed you 20 ways! You must be REALLY off your game. Did you hit your head or something?"

21. Sing "Do you hear the people sing" in the most annoying voice possible when he enters the room

22. Then tell him that he is being exclusive towards dogs by not including them in the song

23. Then start singing, "Do you hear the puppies sing" at the top of your lungs

24. Repeat steps 21 through 23, but with different animals each time

25. Keep singing off key and as loud as you can non-stop until he shuts you up by punching you

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