25 ways to annoy Gavroche

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25 ways to annoy Gavroche (Don't get mad at me because I am making fun of his size. I couldn't think of anything else that can annoy him.  Not a lot scares him; actually nothing scares him :D)

1. Keep reminding him that you are taller than him

2. Spell his name wrong

3. When he asks you why you spelled his name with a "Q' you tell him that you thought it was a silent Q

4. Give him a lecture about how things are bigger than him

5. At the end of the lecture say, "OK Gavroche. This is a teddy bear." *pick up a teddy bear* "This is bigger than you"

6. Jump on a cabinet to avoid being punched by him

7. Rant about all the things that are bigger than him

8. After about 20 minutes of ranting start mentioning things like apples, leaves, etc. are bigger than him

9. After about 45 minutes of ranting start mentioning things like molecules, atoms, etc. are bigger than him

10. Ask him Javert is doing

11. Ask him where his sister is (after she dies)

12. Sing "Little people" at the top of your lungs

13. Mess up the words

14. Laugh as Gavorche gets frustrated trying to teach you the words

15. Refuse to learn the words

16. Always look down at him and pretend that he is the smallest person in the world

17. Yell, "Hello down there" to him when ever he is near

18. Then add, "How's the weather down there!"

19. When you spot a penny say to him, "Can you get that?"

20. When he asks why say, "Your closer to the ground"

21. Then say "YOUR FACE!"

*Sorry, fluffywalter made that one up. It's her catch phrase*

22. Play his part of "Look down and see the beggars at your feet"

23. Make fun of his part

24. Mimic his voice in it

25.  Do all of these without getting strangled (if he could reach you neck)

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