25 ways to annoy the foreman

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25 ways to annoy the foreman

1. Ask him how he could be so mean to Fantine

2. Tell him you are going to bully him everyday

3. When he asks why, say you are getting revenge for Fantine

4. Then say you can talk to the dead

5. Tell him that Fantine told you to annoy him

6. Sing "I knew you were trouble" to him

7. Then sing all of Taylor Swift's songs to him really badly

8. Call him a creep

9. When he walks into a room yell "WHY DID YOU FOLLOW ME HERE STALKER!!!"

10. Laugh as he looks around confused

11. Then if he comes closer, run away screaming, "GET AWAY FROM ME CREEP!"

12. Tell him that he isn't good at his job

13. Then ask him what EXACTLY his job even IS

14. Then tell him his job is lame

15. Sing "I dreamed a dream" to him

16. Emphazize the pain and torture in the song

17. Then say that he caused that pain and torture

18. Tell him that he is stupid

19. Fire him

20. Tell him that you would NEVER hire him in a million years

21. Tell him that if he doesn't clean up his act, he won't go beyond the barricade, but to a much darker horrible place

22. When he gives you the evil eye say, "WHAT I'm being nice by warning you!"

23.When he asks you to stop being annoying say, "what are you gonna do about it. FIRE ME?!?"

24. Then say, "I DON'T WORK FOR YOU SO HA!"

25. Then say, "and...I wouldn't even WANT to work for you creep!"

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