25 ways to annoy young Cosette

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25 ways to annoy young Cosette

1. Tell her that her future is horrible

2. Make her do all of your chores

3. Ask her how Marius is

4. Then laugh when she doesn't know who he is yet

5. Laugh again when she gets confused on why your laughing

6. Tell her that her mother was a prostitute

7. Say to her, "How can you be so mean to 'Pony?!?"

8. Then say, "Didn't you know she dies saving the man you love so he can be with you?!?"

9. Watch as Young C goes up and hugs Pony tight and doesn't let go

10. Laugh again when you see Pony's face

11. Tell her about YOUR castle on a cloud

12. Tell her that the Thenardiers are being really good parents to her

13. Laugh as she gets a shocked look on her face

14. Find Marius and introduce them at an early age

15. Watch as he fall for Pony who is the rich, pretty (as in having clean clothes and curled hair like Cosette is later)  one then

16. Offer to take Cosette's pail and get water from her

17. When your there at the well, pretend your Cosette so Jean Valjean will take you away instead of her

18. Sing Cosette's part in "In my life" really badly

19. Then tell her that you sounded like she is going to sound in the future

20. Then compare your impression to a dying cow

21. Laugh as she gives you the evil eye

22. Tell her that if you see her in the future you'll say hi!

23. Laugh as she says, "Nooooooo not you! Anybody, but you"

24. Tell her, "You may have a heart full of love later, but right now you have a sink full of dishes to clean!"

25. Do all of these with out getting attacked in the future by the grown-up Cosette

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