Author's note-PLEASE READ

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Hi everyone who is reading my story!

I just want to say somethings...

First, Thank you all so much for reading my story! It means a whole lot to me! I have right now over 1,000 reads on this story alone so I'm one of the happiest people in the world!

Second, I'm going to be making a story where I interview the characters of Les Miserables. Please read that too! I promise you won't regret it. It will be in the same order as this story and will hopefully be funny too!

Third, If you want me to do a character that I have missed, you can tell me in the comments. I may do Fantine at some point, but she's a too fragile character.

OK that's all I have to say! Vote or comment if you want to. I hope that these stories are making you laugh! :D I'll try to upload soon!



Note: this message is given at the end of this story and in "Les Miserables Character Wattpad Conversations"

Greetings, people of the internet! Unfortunately, I don't think that I'll update this story again. When I initially began writing it, I was (as I called myself in my profile) "an immature fangirl who was probably hyped up on too much sugar at the time." Since then, I've matured in both my writing (hopefully) and my personality. I still, more or less, have the same sense of humor, but I've been channeling that into more sophisticated writing, which I'll eventually post on my other account, Almost_Demonic (hopefully.) I immensely appreciate all of the support and kind comments everybody has given me. If you crave more methods on how to pester the Les Mis characters, then I encourage you to create your own "How to Annoy" book because I can guarantee that writing is just as much fun as reading! Thank you again to everybody who has read and liked the stories that my insane thirteen-year-old self came up with! I wish all of you luck in writing, reading or anything else you love doing!

25 ways to annoy the Les Miserables charactersWhere stories live. Discover now