25 ways to annoy Marius Pontmercy

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25 ways to annoy Marius Pontmercy

1. Tell him that Cosette really loves Enjolras and he will "just have to do"

2. Tell him that what he is wearing is "so 200 hundred years ago"

3. Remind him every hour that he is alive and his friends are not

4. Change your ring tone to "empty chairs at empty tables"

5. Ask him why he let Eponine die

6. Tell him that if you were Cosette, you would leave him

7. Laugh as he hesitates punching you because you are a girl (if you are a boy, dodge his punch)

8. Tell him that love at first sight is not real

9. (if you are a girl) mimic how he sings "empty chairs at empty tables" in a fake low voice(make a lot of opera hand gestures to exaggerate it)

10. Ask him how is Grandfather is


12. When gives a motion of punching you, say "Come on PONT! Show some MERCY if you can!" (make sure to put the stress on Pont and Mercy)

13. Keep telling him that he is clueless not noticing that Pony('Ponine- read the next chapter and you'll get it) loves him

14. Keep saying that he should dump Cosette and go for Pony

15. When he says Eponine's nickname, say "Why would you call her Pony you meanie!" :P

16. Tell him he is ruining the environment with all of the hairgel bottles he is using up each day

17. When you hear "empty chairs at empty tables" yell to him, "Oh Come on Pontmercy! Suck it up and be a man!"

18. Run away laughing

19. Run around singing "Marius loves Cosette!" over and over in the most annoying voice possible

20. When he tries to shut you up, sing louder

21. Run and tell Cosette that Marius only loves her because she is pretty

22. Laugh as She and Marius argue

23. Run when Marius comes towards you with a murderous look in his eye

24. Run around again, but this time scream "Marius is gonna kill me" in a sing song, cheerful voice

25. Move to a different country before he can kill you

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