25 ways to annoy young Eponine

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25 ways to annoy young Eponine

1. Tell her you'd rather speak to Cosette than her

2. Tell her that her future is horrible

3. Say to her, "Why are you so in love with Marius! You can do so much better sista!"

4. Laugh as she gets confused on who Marius is

5. Say to her, "HOW CAN YOU BE SO MEAN TO COSETTE!!!!"

6. Then call her the evil step-sister

7. Ask her why she barely talks when she is younger, but talks A LOT in the future

8. Tell her that Cosette is WAY prettier than her

9. When it looks like she's about to punch you say, "OK,OK!!! You're prettier! You just have to close one eye...then the other..."

10. Run away because even though she is young, she can still murder you if you give her the chance

11. Mumble something about her dying alone

12. Then say, "AHHHH!!!! You know too much about the future!!!! THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!!!"

13. Tell her that no matter what her mum says, her little blue hat is still UGLY

14. Also mention that people hate her little blue hat

15. Tell her that Karma is going to get back at her in like 9 years or so

16. Then say that Karma ALWAYS gets people back

17. Remind her every five minutes that even though it is better to save your loved ones...if they don't love you back then YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAVE THEM!!!

18. Laugh as she gets even more confused

19. Tell her to not jump in front of guns...EVER

20. Ask her if she were to die young, where would she want to be

21. Then say,"WRONG!!!! I hope you're OK with dying on broken pianos in the rain...YOU KNOW TOO MUCH!!!!!" 

22. Tell her that if she doesn't stop her parents from thieving, she will soon be a girl without the man she loves AND without "loving" Parents

23. Then say, "...on second thought...your parents don't "love" anything...except money"

24.  Run...again

25.  Do all of these without getting attacked by the ADULT Eponine later on...she's stronger than she looks...if you like your face arranged where it is...yeah...BEWARE OF THE PONY!!!!!

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