25 ways to annoy the Thenardiers

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25 ways to annoy the Thenardiers

1.  Take away ALL of the money they have "earned"

2. Tell them Javert did it

3. When they find out he didn't, ummm...you might want to run

4. Tell them that two of their children died....actually I don't think they would care

5. Tell Madame that her hair looks like it went through a ceiling fan

6.  Tell them that nobody buys all of the scams they are doing because they are so lame

7. Look at their teeth and then say, "wow, great make up job you did with your teeth. It almost looks like they are really yellow and gross"

8. Make sure you emphasize "gross"

9. Pretend to be a reporter and ask them what annoys them the most

10. Change costumes and then do what they said was the most annoying

11. Sing "little bunny foofoo" all day long

12. Send the cops on them

13. Eat some of their food

14. Spit it out on them

15. Yell, "WHAT IS IN THIS IT'S HORRIBLE!!!!" as loud as you can

16. Watch them struggle to answer

17. Laugh when they do

18. Have other people sing "Master of the house" with you 24/7

19. Make them join in with you

20. When they won't, threaten them by saying you'll set their house on fire

21. Remind them that money is highly flammable

22. Tell them that Pony and Gavroche are planning a revolutioin against them

23. When they ask what it's about, say they are on strike for later bedtimes

24. Say everything in Chinese to them and then get frustrated when they don't understand

25. If you don't know Chinese, make up your own language!

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