25 ways to annoy Fantine

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25 ways to annoy Fantine-I finally got to it!

1.  Ask her where her boyfriend is

2. Ask her how Cosette is

3. Accidentally call her "Lily Potter"

4. Laugh as she gets confused

5. Then compare Cosette to Harry Potter

6. Laugh as she gets mad at you for comparing her child to a boy

7. Then drag her all over town yelling at the people who hurt her, but be really weird so she's embarrassed

8. Fire her

9. Try to comfort her by saying that her hairstyle (after she cut it) is so in right now

10. Then say that the missing tooth look does wonders for her

11. Then when she looks away mouth "no" while shaking her head

12. When she turns back, smile and act like you didn't do anything wrong

13. Ask if she's anorexic

14. Tell her that she really shouldn't be missing meals because it is unhealthy

15. When she says that she can't afford a meal, say "Well then boil and eat a rat! Their edible"

16. Try not to make gagging sounds while saying that

17. Have the foreman tell her she's pretty

18. Watch as she punches him

19. Sing "Oh what a night (1963)" from Jersey Boys to her about her job as a prostitute

20. Have a before and after picture of her

21. Then say when you see the "before" picture, "THAT'S YOU?!? I never would have guessed."

22. Then say that your sorry to her because you feel bad, but make sure to be extra corny

23. Laugh as she rolls her eyes at you

24. Tell her she is she most fragile character

25. Make sure that you aren't too mean because she is the most fragile character after all!

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