25 ways to annoy Grantaire

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25 ways to annoy Grantaire (I realize that a lot of you LOVE Grantaire so try not to kill me with this next chapter!)


2. If he is passed out drunk, use a sharpie to draw a mustache on his face

3. Also, dye his hair green

4. When he yells at you for doing that, dye his hair red and black

5. When he is passed out drunk, draw a unicorn on his forehead

6. Write "I love Cosette" on his hand

7. Laugh as Marius yells at him

8. Write "I love Eponine" on his hand

9. Watch as Eponine punches him

10. When he has a hangover, yell in a loud speaker "HEY GRANTAIRE! HOW'S IT GOING?"

11. Then blow a trumpet in his ear LOUDLY

12. Laugh hysterically

13. Tell him that if he keeps drinking a lot of alcohol, eventually the world is going to run out

14. Then say, "oh wait, it already has"

15. Laugh as he panics

16. Laugh again as he gives you the evil eye when he realizes that there are plenty of drinks to go around

17. Give him an alarm clock

18. Change the alarm to the song "it's a small world"

19. set it to 5:00 am

20. Run

21. Explain to him that you are from the future and you are here to warn him about the dangers of alcohol

22. When he doesn't believe you, rant about the tragic events that will happen in the future that have to due with drinking alcohol

23. Then say when he won't listen, "Fine! Have fun getting into a car accident then, but don't say I didn't warn you"

24. When he has a confused look on his face, then say, "Oh, right you don't know what a car is... Fine! Have fun getting into a... horse and carriage accident!"

25. Laugh as he gets and even MORE confused face

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