25 ways to annoy Jean Valjean part 2

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1. Tell him that if you took the "Val" out of his name, he would be "Jean Jean"

2. When he was just released from prison, run up to him and say "Santa! You lost weight!" (because of the beard)

3. Ask him what woodland creatures lived in his beard 

4. Start listing small ones like squirrels and mice then move to larger ones such as deer

5.  Then go on by saying animals like elephants and giraffes

6. Don't listen to him when he tries to tell you that elephants and giraffes aren't woodland creatures

7. Follow him around everyday narrating everything he does

8. Narrate everything he does, but only SING everything (example: *in best opera voice* "He is eating a POTATOOOOO!!!!!!" haha who else can picture Hugh Jackman singing that lol)

9. Tell him you were mimicking him and what he does through the WHOLE play

10. Ask him if he always asks questions to himself out loud when he's alone

11. Then ask him if he had imaginary friends while growing up

12. The ask if that's why he asks questions to himself...in song

13.Tell him name backward would be "naejlav naej"

14.Then try to pronounce it

15.Then mention his name backwards would also be "10642"

16. say "wow you're old! when were you born? in the 1700s?"

17. Whisper to him "I think the Thenardiers got more applause than the Valjean in the performance of Les Mis I saw last night"

18. Then say, "the Javert got the most applause...much more than the Valjean!"

19. Call him Maddie (his assumed name is Monsieur Madeleine)

20. Then call him the Mad Hatter

21. Then ask him to make you a hat

22. And ask him to take you to wonderland

23. Watch as he gets confused on who you are talking about

24. Tell him he's the only character getting a part two to the tutorial of how to annoy him (so far hehe)

25. Remind him that it's a good thing...for you!

25 ways to annoy the Les Miserables charactersWhere stories live. Discover now