25 ways to annoy Eponine (Pony) :D

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25 ways to annoy Eponine (Pony) :D

1. Tell her that Marius will never love her

2. Send her an invitation to Marius's and Cosette's wedding

3. Ask her what Marius's nickname was for her and then say "really? He called you Pony?"

4. Call her Pony from then on

5. When a horse passes by, yell "Oh look! There's your cousin!"

6. Tell her that her parents were arrested and she doesn't have anywhere to live

7. Rant about how pretty Cosette is

8. Rant about how Marius loves Cosette

9. Have Marius rant about how much he loves Cosette

10. Show her the Cinderella movie

11. Tell her that Cosette is Cinderella

12. Tell her that she is the evil step sister

13. Run

14. Ask her how she got so poor

15. Tell Marius that she is stalking him

16. Laugh as Marius avoids Pony all the time

17. Have her parents give her a "time out"

18. Ask her why Cosette's life is so much better if they grew up together

19. Ask her to deliver a letter to Cosette

20. Tell her that she is too desperate and that if I was Marius, I would avoid her too

21. Sing "on my own" when ever she comes into a room

22.  Sing a "heart full of love" (only Cosette's and Marius's parts)

23. Remind her that Cosette and Marius sing this to each other

24. Pretend to be a broken record when she tries to shut you up

25. When she punches you in the nose for doing all of these step, say to her " gee, no wonder you are going to die alone"

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