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The woman walked inside the elevator alone, she had sent Taejun on a mission by himself, she liked that he was so devoted to his work but he was always following her around too and it was frustrating sometimes.
When she reached the lowest floor she walked out through the corridor entering the office of the Risk Management Team, all eyes darted to her.

"Manager Lee." Ryunggu bowed.

"I came to give the papers back, I read everything and wrote what I had to." she said leaving the papers to him, then her eyes traveled to a boy she had never saw. "who the fuck is that?"

"new employer, he isn't dead though, he is just in a coma." Ryeon explained and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Director said I can wake up in 6 months if I work here, if I don't it will take me 3 years to wake up." the boy spoke, that woman seemed really scary to him.

"I understand than, I'm Lee Haeun, Manager of the Dangerous Case Management Team." she introduced herself giving a small smile to the boy.

"I'm Choi Joonwoong" he bowed and she nodded.

"is there anything else I need to do?" she questioned the Team Leader.

"no, if we need anything else we will come straight to you." Koo Ryeon replied.

"okay then, I downloaded your app on my phone, just let me know when a case is too hard to handle." she bowed and walked back to the elevator.

She clicked the hall button and when the door opened Taejun was already waiting for her, she sighed walking out and he followed giving her the papers of the job he had just done.
Joonggil walked inside the hall followed by his large group of team members and they exchanged a quick look while she walked out.

"Manager Park." someone called and he stopped signaling to his employees to continue walking. "director said she wants to see you."


Haeun phone rang and she opened it, an emergency for the Risk Management Team, she only needed to wait to be called in case they needed to and soon that call arrived making her teleport on the roof of a building, the team of three talking to a suicidal woman.

"Manager Koo." she called making the woman instantly turn around.

The woman on the edge slipped at the sudden apparence falling down the roof but Haeun was quick to jump too making the new boy scream for her, she caught the woman and teleported both of them on the floor down.

"I almost had an heart attack..." Joonwoong said pressing an hand on his chest.

"she does worse things, you shouldn't be scared of that." Koo Ryeon replied.

The three walked down to her to talk with the suicidal woman and when they were finished they all teleported together walking back inside the hall of Jumadeung, first thing they saw was Park Joonggil infront of them.

"Manager Koo and Manager Lee together, since when you help criminals?" his deep voice made her scoff.

"people who chose suicide aren't criminals, it's people that suffer." she replied gaining a surprised look from Koo Ryeon.

"suffering is a part of life, suicide is a selfish act." he calmly replied and she stepped closer to him.

"you seem a man so clever, but sometimes you do let out bullshit from this mouth you got." she smirked and joonwoong behind her almost shit himself at the glare he gave her.

"Manager Park! Manager Lee! enough!" the director said and their eyes all darted to her. "my office, now."

She signaled Taejun to not follow her and the two walked behind the older woman until they reached her office, Haeun dropped on one of the couches annoyed and Joonggil stand in the center of the room watching the director walk up to her desk.

"I have enough of you two fighting like kids every chance you got." she sighed.

"having these two teams work together is no good, a useless team and a team with a incompetent team manager." he calmly spoke up.

"watch your mouth Park." Haeun said glaring at him.

"enough I said! Joonggil, you're no one to talk bad about them, and you, Haeun stop provoking him... you two will work on cases together like the club case, I don't want your fights to mess up your work." she scolded them. "I don't want to see anything like that ever again, clear?"

"clear." they answered together.

"now get out, you're giving me an headache." she sighed.

The girl got up and the two walked out the office together stopping at the elevator side to side, his eyes noticed a smirk on her lips.

"piece of shit." she whispered to herself, he heard it but didn't answer not wanting to cause more trouble already.

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