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"hey." Taejun said as she walked in the corridor and she stopped to look at him. "how did the dinner go yesterday?"

"pretty well, nothing to worry about." she simply answered and he nodded.

"do you wanna go out and drink something?" he asked and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "it's not a date obviously, I just think you're getting too much stress recently."

She ended up agreeing and together they went in a bar to drink, loud music playing and people drinking, dancing or anything around them as she leaned on the counter.


"is this how they taught you to use your sword?" the woman said as she watched her husband.

His hanbok dirty with blood, sword tight in hand and two dead men on the ground, he turned around to look at her, the worry in her eyes made him almost feel bad, but he couldn't help it.

"you don't have to do this..." she whispered cleaning the blood from his face. "I don't care what they say, you shouldn't too."

"I can't let them talk bad about you... you did nothing wrong." his deep voice was more like a whisper.

"I know, but that's not the right thing to do." she said taking a step away from him. "put your sword away." she softly asked.

He stayed silent for a bit while looking at the woman he loved so dearly, then he shook his head slightly, he couldn't keep listening to people talk badly about her for something that wasn't her fault, and she was saying it didn't affect her but he knew it was a lie, the first days she didn't even get up from bed and he knew every word would reach her heart, he was scared to lose her.

"I can't." he answered and walked past her.


Joonggil eyes instantly opened, he had fallen asleep for some minutes on his chair at his desk but nightmares and weird dreams still got him.
He sighed brushing his hand over his eyes and he looked at the small clock on his desk, it was already kinda late, his thoughts wondered back to that dream again and he stood up taking his jacket and walking out the office, his steps echoed through the empty corridor while he walked to her office.

"Manager Lee is not here." a voice stopped him as soon as he touched the doorknob, a cleaning lady was smiling at him.

"oh... do you know where she is or where I can find her?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, I saw her leaving with Mr. Kim, but I think I heard them talk about going to drink something." she said and he nodded walking away.

drinking? with Kim Taejun? well he didn't care if she was busy or anything, he wanted to talk with her about the dream he just had, he was still not sure of anything and he couldn't even see her face properly in each of his dreams or nightmares.
He knew exactly where they could be, there was only one bar that all Jumadeung employees visit, it's in an almost abandoned building, just down some stairs, and that's where he was walking through the corridor with colorful lights shining around.

"Manager Park." a voice stopped him and when he looked up Taejun was right next to the door with a cigarette in his mouth.

"is she inside? I have something to talk about." he asked putting his hands in his pockets.

"yeah, but we came here to relax from work related things, you should wait for tomorrow and not bother her now, she needs a break." he said and Joonggil scoffed.

"It's not a work related thing." he answered and was about to walk through the door but an hand was placed on his chest to stop him, his eyes slowly traveled up from the hand to Taejun.

"your personal things should wait too, you're putting too much pressure on her, she needs a break from you too." Taejun spoke and Joonggil went serious, his eyes darkened.

"if you don't remove your hand, I'll fucking break your arm, is that clear?" he deeply spoke not moving his eyes away from the boy.

The other boy just sighed taking his hand away and watched as the man opened the door of the bar completely ignoring the conversation they just had.
He walked in, his eyes scanned around from the counter, to the crowds dancing, until they landed on the familiar figure with her head on a table, bottles of soju all over it.

"Lee Haeun." he called walking up to the table and she only hummed. "are you drunk?"

She raised her head to see who it was and then rolled her eyes when she recognized him, she went back with her head on the table. "fuck Park Joonggil, leave me alone."

"let's go home." he answered understanding that she really was too drunk.

But she didn't move, she only hummed again, he sighed and picked her up in a bridal style walking in a more hidden point before teleporting to her apartment.

"where is your room?" he asked and she just pointed to a random door without opening her eyes.

He walked inside the bedroom and placed her on the bed, he took her shoes off and then covered her body with the blankets watching her relax under the warmth.
He brushed her hair away from her face and then he decided to look around the room and see if he could find anything by himself.

"there is nothing here." she whispered, she was very tired but still aware he was there.

"I just want answers." he replied.

"it's better if you don't have them, you will get hurt again." she watched as he slowly walked back to her bed.

"get hurt?" he asked in confusion.

"you got hurt badly in your past life, and I mean emotionally, I don't want you to remember those bad things." she whispered closing her eyes and she quickly fell asleep, the alcohol taking over her.

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