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"Manager Lee." Taejun walked in the office noticing she was lost in her thoughts. "we have a new case."

"what?" she snapped out of her thoughts and looked at him.

"A man tried to convince other people to commit suicide for money, Risk Management Team got him and he was beat up so he is in the hospital, but he might ran away before the police catches him, director said we should punish him." the man said.

The woman gave a quick look to his informations on a paper and then she stood up.
The two walked inside the hospital and straight to his room, just like they thought, he was gone.

"take a look around outside, see if he made it out already, I'll search for him inside." she ordered and they both teleported in different places.

She walked down the emergency stairs and stopped when she noticed the man going down infront of her, she smirked and kicked him down the stairs making the man hit his head hard on the stairs, she stayed there watching the blood come out and Taejun appeared behind her.

"the director didn't ask us to kill him." he quickly said.

"he is not dead yet." she replied not moving her eyes from the body. "search for the guards, act like you found the body and they will save him, then go back to Jumadeung."

"what about you?" he asked.

"I want to stay alone for a bit, I'll take a walk maybe." she replied.

Taejun nodded doing what she had told him to and she walked back up the stairs until she reached the roof, she walked to the edge and stepped on it taking in a deep breath as she looked at the busy streets of the night city, all the lights and people walking around, she smiled.

"why are you here?" Haeun asked. "did you come here to push me down?"

"I came here because you caused trouble again." his deep voice reached her ears.

she slowly turned around to look at him. "I'm not in the mood today, let me be." she let herself slowly fall down from the building knowing that she could save herself any moment.

Joonggil widened his eyes as he ran to the edge and quickly teleported were she was falling, he held her close to him and just seconds before they could hit the ground he teleported them to his office, his breath heavy as he held her close to him.

"have you gone crazy?!" he yelled slamming her on the wall. "if you didn't teleport you would've died!"

"and why did you jump with me?" she asked and he stayed silent trying to stabilize his breath.

"you've lost control!" this time he yelled with anger grabbing her collar and she smirked.

"what's all this act Joonggil?" she said grabbing his wrist that was holding her. "you should stop minding my business, didn't you say the other day that you're not the old you?"

He furrowed his eyebrows slightly tilting his head as he watched her expression trying to analyze it, was it amused? or just annoyance? was he really being too much with this situation?
She looked at his eyes knowing he was analyzing her and he was surely lost in his thoughts, she had realized just now how close they were and she slightly pressed herself more on the wall trying to put some distance, but he it was all useless, the man was towering over her and he didn't seem to want to let go.

"you know what makes me so angry?" he whispered and she just looked back up at him so he knew he had her complete attention. "the fact that I have these strange feelings everytime  that I think about you, but I don't know why cause I don't remember."

She stayed silent and he lowered slightly pressing his lips on hers, she reciprocated the kiss without hesitation and he pressed himself against her almost taking her breath away, her hands traveled up from his muscled arms to his shoulders.

"Manager Park" a knock made them instantly back away from each others and the door open, one of his workers coming in. "oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were busy!"

"no, it's okay, I was leaving... you can take him." Haeun replied and made some steps but he grabbed her arm, they exchanged a look and she set herself free walking away.

"the director asked for some papers." the other woman said.

"I'll bring them personally, I have something to discuss about with her." Joonggil replied and the woman left.

He cleared his throat adjusting his messed up jacket and took the papers walking to the small garden the director had, knowing she was there watering her plants at this hour, he placed the papers on a small table.

"something is bothering you, I can feel it and also your face isn't hiding it at all." the old woman said looking at him.

"I hate the fact that I can't remember, but I can feel things..." he replied.

"I know, and you can't rely on your dreams either." she replied and he looked at her in confusion. "we will have a business dinner tomorrow, be sure to be there too, you're always missing them."

He simply nodded and put his hands in his pockets about to walk away but she spoke again behind him.

"the one she has now, was not her past body." the woman revealed and the man stopped walking. "she changed it so her past lover won't recognize it, she gave her past body to someone else."

that's why he couldn't trust his dreams? he just nodded without turning around and then he walked away.

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