i'm sorry who invited the yorkies?

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Tara: hey guys!

Amber: hey tara, haven't seen you in ages how've you been?

Tara: oh sorry i went on a trip to new york for a week with Sam i'm so sorry i forgot to tell you

Sam: it was great

Liv: ew not new york

Vince: i swear rats own that city

Liv: you own new york?

Vince: fuck off

Wes: can we talk about how vince is actually here for once

Vince: i was surprised myself

Liv: no shit

Tara: guys can i finish

Chad: carry on

Tara: while we were there we met a few people and got to know them, they're all really nice and then i asked if they were interested in joining a group chat when we were at the subway and they said yeah so we parted ways and im gonna invite them now

Mindy: ew new yorkies 🤮

Tara: shut up

Wes: are they sane?

Tara: probably?-

Wes: rest in peace to the sanity of these people, agreeing to join was the worst mistake of their lives

Wes: and they probably had minimum wage jobs too, they were thriving.

Chad: can i get a rip in the chat from everyone?

Chad: rip

Wes: rip

Vince: rip

Richie: rip

Sam: rip

Amber: rip

Liv: rip

Mindy: rip

Jill: rip

Kirby: rip

Olivia: rip

Roman: rip

Sidney: rip

Dewey: rip

Gale: rip

Jennifer: rip

Charlie: rip

Mickey: rip

Billy: rip

Stu: rip

Cici: rip

Randy: rip

Tatum: rip

Tara: guys it's not that deep i'm sure they'll be fine, it's just a group chat.

Wes: you wouldn't understand...

Richie: say rip tara


Richie: say rip

Tara: wh-

Richie: just say rip just once, for the safety of the yorkies

Tara: ugh

Tara: rip

Richie: appreciated

Tara: okay i'm gonna add them now

Wes: in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit

Wes: god and jesus we ask of you this once that you provide a guardian angel for these poor lost souls, to guide them through these dark times in this cursed group chat held under lock and key by satan himself...

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