look at this tara protection squad

716 18 50

Liv: morning

Jill: no get out

Liv: let's all play truth or dare

Jill: no

Chad: liv, T or D

Liv: D i ain't no bitch

Quinn: so anyways fleshy dinosaurs am i right?

Ethan: quinn, please don't start with the dinosaurs again i already had to deal with this yesterday for a whole hour

Liv: yes.

Chad: um excuse me, guys, weren't we playing truth or dare?

Liv: ohhh yeah ofc

Jill: holy fuck she has the attention span of a fucking woodpecker

Tara: woodpeckers probs would have decent attention spans

Tara: picking all that wood amirite?

Liv: maybe YOU should leave and go pick some wood instead

Tara: is this the ever so eloquent insult that i've been waiting on for god knows how long?

Liv: shut the fuck up

Vince: fight fight fight fight

Liv: stfu


Tara: you do realise that even if you put it in all caps it's not gonna get his attention right?

Tara: that's not how texting works

Tara: you can't text shout



Anika: liv? why are you spamming the group chat?

Richie: wassup

Liv: are you done demolishing people on reddit who had different opinions to you?

Richie: yeah

Liv: good because i need your help

Richie: yeah?

Liv: is there any chance you could beat up tara for me too?

Tara: wow. real brave of you there liv

Mindy: tara since when have you been this sarcastic

Mindy: You're normally one of the only ones who doesn't seem entirely done with life every single day

Tara: hm

Tara: maybe because i tried to make cookies in sam's apartment and started a fire, then Sam started bullying me and amber online, so i had to deal with sam's dumbassery, and now just liv's general dumbassery?

Sam: i think you should get some sleep.

Tara: unfortunately my sister, belief does not always equal reality.

Liv: damn...

Liv: Richie i changed my mind don't beat up tara

Richie: noted

Liv: tara buckle your seat belt cause i'm coming over

Mindy: why would SHE need a seat belt if YOU'RE the one coming over?

Liv: shut it i'm being nice

Chad: liv redemption arc

Sam: i should probably go take care of my sister...

Quinn: probably lol

Amber: do you need caring for my love?

Tara: guys really i'm fine

Amber: too late im already omw


Jill: damn look at this tara protection squad we got goin on here

Jill: yet i don't sleep in a week and get pity from no one?

Jill: oh woe is me

Olivia: Jill you haven't slept in a week?!

Jill: wait no it was just a joke

Jill: 100%

Olivia: i don't believe you Jill.

Jill: sounds like a you problem tbh

Chad: why is everyone in this group chat horrifically sleep deprived?

Jill: how are you not?

Chad: i dunno i like my bed

Mindy changed the group name to 'pining after sleep deprived dumbasses'

Mindy: @olivia @tara @anika

Chad: why was tara tagged if tara is the sleep deprived one

Mindy: amber freeman, most sleep deprived mf i know

Chad: damn girl

Chad: @amber we here for you girl

Chad: don't even worry abt that

Anika: mindy i'm sleep deprived too why'd you tag me

Mindy: because you love me

Mindy: and sometimes you do get sleep

Mindy: but i just don't

Anika: fair enough pookie

Ethan: i have no one

Quinn: you may have no one to love you romantically, but you always got your sister! bro let's go to mcdonalds and eat in the car

Ethan: 🥹

Ethan: you're the fucking best.

Olivia: why was i tagged


Anika: oh wowww i wonder which sleep deprived idiot SHE'S pining after

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