quinn on twitter

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Liv: where the hoeeees aaaaaat

Wes: aw no 🤢

Mindy: can we not do this today

Anika: yeah it's 3am and i need my beauty sleep, i don't like being woken up by beaming lights and phones dinging or else i'll be grouchy and tired.

Liv: just don't pick up your phone then

Anika: I'm sorry but it's kind of hard not to when the light keeps beaming in my face to tell me I've got a notification.

Jill: power off button exists

Anika: you're right actually, thanks for that

Wes: i mean it's common sense but okay

Anika: I'm going back to bed now night guys

Wes: night

Mindy: night babe

Jill: night

Anika: mindy i'm literally right next to you

Quinn: ooooh are they sleeping together

Mindy: yes

Anika: no

Anika: well not sexually anyway, we're just in the same bed sleeping

Quinn: sure jan

Mindy: anyway night babe

Sam: quinn's gonna go make up another rumour on twitter

Quinn: honey no i'd never do that

Sam: don't call me honey

Sam: also you absolutely would, i clearly remember me telling you last year that my dad thought i was gay, and then wanna know what you did?

Quinn: what did i do sis

Sam: i actually have screenshots


Quinn: that's deepfake she's a liar everyone

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Quinn: that's deepfake she's a liar everyone

Sam: fuck it i don't care anymore

Quinn: you're over it

Sam: i don't give a fuck

Quinn: okay that's cool you're over it

Mindy: i mean she's not wrong though

Anika: mindy turn off your fucking phone

Ethan: busted mothafucka

Mindy: shut up gaylord

Anika: turn off your phone I'm trying to sleep

Mindy: well damn woman okay

Anika: excuse me?

Mindy: sorry

Liv: so how's everyones-

Jill: I'm gonna stop you there before you say anything else is anyone other than liv awake right now

Roman: yeah

Jill: nevermind that's worse

Roman: yeah well you know what Jill you're a lesbian


Jill: and?

Roman: that's all

Liv: so how has everyone's day been

Tara: it's been good

Liv: wasn't asking you

Chad: i had a good day

Cici: ice cube

Mickey: girlie WheRe have you been this whole time?

Cici: couldn't be bothered to text you guys cause you're all boring

Amber: then why not just leave?

Cici: you guys entertain me

Sidney: i hate them so can't relate

Jill: and i'm going to sleep

Sidney: yeah exactly get out

Jill: get railed Sidney

Stu: she already did cause she got 3 little mistakes

Sidney: you don't have a husband

Stu: yeah that's why i fucked yours

Sidney: get fucked stu

Billy: been there done that

Tatum: ew gross decorum please

Sidney: TATUM oh my god i have missed you so much you sexy bastard

Tatum: gay

Stu: gross

Sidney: it's just so good to see someone normal

Billy: girl

Sidney: no

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