99% cotton

620 18 38

Liv: emergency meeting

Jill: no

Ethan: i'm here!

Jill: ethan go away before it's too late

Mindy: what could you possibly want now

Liv: it's important

Jill: I'm gonna bet the pool table i stole from the bar and 5 dollars that it isn't something important

Sam: oh that was you?

Jill: i don't have the money to buy a fucking pool table so stealing one was the only reasonable solution

Tara: no it isn't reasonable at all

Wes: i'm more curious about how you managed to steal a massive pool table, carry it out of the bar and bring it home without being caught

Jill: ask roman dickhead bridger

Sidney: roman have you been helping her scheme? if you have i'm considering you a traitor and i'm not gonna talk to you again.

Roman: i only did it so i can come over whenever i please and play pool

Roman: i did it for me not her

Sidney: fair enough

Chad: so how did he help exactly?

Jill: he killed anyone who saw us or tried to stop us

Chad: so like is this a no witnesses kinda situation?

Jill: yeah

Roman: i even killed a child lol

Sidney: roman what the fuck

Roman: well the plan was to have no witnesses, and the child was a witness

Sidney: oh my god

Roman: so i had to kill him

Sidney: NO YOU DIDN'T!

Richie: it's giving todd alquist

Amber: breaking bad

Dewey: 🤨⛓️

Richie: no no no you can't arrest us for liking a show

Dewey: i busted you two for cooking meth and i'll do it again

Amber: but we aren't cooking meth

Dewey: uh huh

Amber: instead we're helping out local skincare stores around town

Dewey: and how exactly are you doing that?

Richie: soap, we make and we sell soap

Dewey: oh lemme guess, fight club?

Richie: yup

Dewey: well i can't exactly bust you for that, little shits...

Dewey: just get an actual job instead of doing shit because you saw it in a movie

Richie: breaking bad isn't a movie its a tv series

Amber: el camino

Richie: shush

Liv: i never got to say what i wanted to...

Jill: good

Wes: i guarantee she only says she has something to say because she knows that everytime she does the entire chat starts talking, and then she just doesn't say anything.

Liv: surprisingly enough that's not the case i just forget what i was gonna say

Wes: do you remember now?

Liv: oh wait yeah i do

Wes: go on...

Liv: you guys remember cotton weary?

Liv: that tv guy

Sidney: oh yeah me and him are good acquaintances

Billy: what about him?

Liv: everyone in this chat has to pay me a dollar each if i'm able to get him into the group chat

Billy: its not gonna work he's famous and has his own tv show

Roman: 110% cotton

Jill: 99% cotton

Mickey: 50% cotton

Stu: 200% cotton

Sidney: guys it's 1% cotton

Gale: it's called 100% cotton you dumbasses

Roman: well excuuuuseee me

Liv: i bet i can do it

Jill: no, no you won't

Liv: watch me

Liv: don't forget all of you owe me a dollar each

Jill: get fucked


Liv: okay i invited him


Jill: oh well he's not joining

Liv: it's not even been five seconds

Jill: it has now

Jill: he ain't joining

Cotton has joined the chat


Jill: how the fuck-

Cotton: hello?

Liv: pay up fuckers

Jill: i ain't paying you shit

Cotton: excuse me, who are you guys? and why was i invited to this chat?

Liv: we're big fans of the show

Jill: she isn't

Cotton: thank you!

Sidney: hey cotton hey buddy

Cotton: Sidney! it's been a while

Sidney: it has indeed

Roman: hi cotton

Cotton: hello?

Sidney: he's my brother

Cotton: oh i wasn't aware you had a brother

Sidney: i also have a little shit cousin named Jill

Jill: wassup

Cotton: hello

Cotton: well it was nice seeing you again and meeting your brother and cousin, i have to go though, goodbye!

Cotton has left the chat




Liv: told you so

Jill: I'm not paying

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