Chapter 28

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We have to tell them. Michael came over to the farm with his newest girlfriend, Harriet earlier and their staying for dinner.

When they arrived, Hailee and I were sat on the couch watching a movie with Dylan, then when Sam came in he asked why Hailee was wearing a sweatshirt even though the heating was on. Her answer was terrible and said "because I was cold" even though you could literally see the sweat forming on her forehead.

Luckily, Sam didn't question it further. Though he most likely didn't believe her, he's always been a firm believer in that if he needs to know something, he will be told.

By the time dinner had rolled around, Hailee and I had decided when and how we would break the news to the group. I was nervous to see how Sam would react since he's always preferred the Christian views of waiting until marriage, but I knew he's very supportive so hopefully he wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

"Before desert is served," I started quickly, making Sam stop collecting the plates from around the table. "Hailee and I have an announcement of sorts to make." I paused allowing Hailee to continue.

"I'm pregnant." She said quickly and without hesitation. We allowed time for Sam and Michael to say their congratulations and such before we told them the follow up news.

"And it's twins." This time even Aunt Kate was surprised as we hadn't told her that before. Harriet was still there too although we didn't know each other so she was quite unbothered.

Everyone gave their congratulations and usual questions of genders, due dates, names etc. On the subject of names though, Hailee and I hadn't told them though we had made a decision on their names. We decided to keep it a secret from everyone until their birth.

With that finally out in the open, I could tell Hailee was much more relaxed. When we settled on the couches after dinner, Hailee took her - or rather my - hoodie for the first time in the house since we arrived.


"Y/n," Sam pulled me out of the living room to talk. "How long have you been together?"

"About 6 months." I told him honestly. I already knew exactly where this conversation was going.

"How far along is she? You know with the pregnancy?" He asked.

"About the same amount of time." I wouldn't lie. Firstly, there was no point and secondly, we're all adults. For some this might be something they wouldn't admit but I'm not ashamed or embarrassed of how this happened. Do I wish it happened differently? Yes, of course. I wish we had an epic love story. Maybe friends since we were kids and then fell in love as teenagers? One of those stories. But we don't. And I'm not ashamed of our story because it's ours and it's unique and I love it.

"Are you sure about this?" He didn't specify what 'this' was but I figured he meant the whole situation. The babies. Hailee. Loving all three of them.

"Yes." I answered with no hesitation. "It might not be the orthodox way to do things but I can't change how this has happened. All I can do is support my family. Hailee and those babies are my family. I'll never turn my back on my family." I stated firmly.

In a way it was a jab at my own family for turning their backs on Dylan and on me for supporting them but it wasn't my intention. Part of me, deep deep down, is worried my kids will see me the way I see my own parents. I would hate for that to happen.

"As long as you're sure and you're both happy." He smiled at me and walked away accepting my decision.

That conversation went much easier than I had expected.


Laying in bed that night, Hailee's head resting on my chest, I was as comfortable as I'd ever been. Though there was still something nagging at my mind. 

"Hey, Hailee?" I said into the darkness as I ran my hand through her hair, lightly scratching at her scalp, knowing she liked it. She hummed in reply, signalling that she'd heard and was listening. "If I ask you something, will you answer honestly?"

She sat up and turned on the bedside lamp to look at me, clearly being able to tell this was a serious conversation. "Of course." She answered.

"If it weren't for this," I gestured to her bump by rubbing it gently, "Would you have ever called me? Being honest remember?" 

She paused while she thought. I wouldn't be upset with her whatever her answer would be. "No. I wanted to but I had so many doubts that it drove me against it." She answered honestly just as I had asked. "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. I probably wouldn't have if it were the other way around." I smiled at her sincerely so she knew I was being truthful. 

There was an awkward silence for a few moments before she spoke up again. "I'm really glad it did happen and that I did make that call though." She smiled a genuine smile, though I could tell there was something more in her eyes. Was it love? 

She settled on my chest again and rested her chin on my sternum to look up at me.  "Me too." I smiled back, just as genuine and just as full of love. Recently, I've managed to admit to everyone that I love her... everyone but her. Part of me wants to tell her but I also know how soon it might be. I don't want to scare her away.

"Hailee," I called, thinking she might be asleep but she wasn't and once again replied with a hum. "I.." Was I about to tell her I loved her in a dark room in my uncles house? She might have been expecting a romantic dinner when I told her that or something along those lines. Anything would have been more romantic than this. "I'm going to get some water. You want anything?" I covered myself, hoping she didn't notice anything unusual.

"No thanks, baby." She whispered tiredly.

" 'Baby' ?" I repeated.

"It slipped out, I'm sor-" I cut her off before she could finish. Besides, she wasn't sorry, not really. Who would be sorry for that and why?

"I liked it." I kissed her cheek. "Goodnight, babe."

Hailee's POV
He never went down for that water. The weird thing about the water question was that he never usually asks. He knows I bring a glass with me to bed every night and if I forget it he will just bring me one up without asking me or me needing to ask him.

I racked my mind for anything else it could have been. Only one thing came to mind.

He loves me.

But it couldn't be that. It's too soon. Not that I don't love him. I do. I love him so much in such a small amount of time that it feels wrong. But loving him feels so right.

Maybe he forgot what he was going to say and that was just a cover so he wouldn't be embarrassed. We've all had those moments when we forget what we're saying as we say it. He's a very proud person and wouldn't admit to something like that very easily.

That's probably what it is. It couldn't be the love thing...

Could it?

Now everyone who needs to know, knows. Truths were shared.

Sorry for the small hiatus, it wasn't planned. Life just got busy again

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