Chapter 2:

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"Yeah, got more than pageant princess back there"

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"Yeah, got more than pageant princess back there"

A cold breeze awoke Bonnie the next morning. She opened her eyes to see bright white light invading her eyes " fucking Christ" she murmured sleepily shielding her eyes from the light, now noticing it was the sun and that she was staring up at it through a hole in the floor. She felt moss under her finger tips and the events of last night all came flooding back to her.

She sat up though a bit confused and disoriented but whipped around when she heard a creek behind her. She saw Joel sitting down with a gun in hand, staring at her. Tess sat there staring at her. "Good morning sunshine. You both look shitty" she passed comment, going to push herself to her feet but Joel raised his gun a bit causing her to stare at him and sit back down on the floor.

"Do I look like a fungus infected monster?" She asked already knowing what they were thinking. "Show us your arm" Joel demanded with a hard stare. She rolled her eyes but begrudgingly complied pulling up her sleeve. The mark looked the same, the same as yesterday. The same it did a month ago.

"It's not getting any worse is it? Oh golly gee I wonder why? Maybe it's because- gosh I don't know. I'm not infected!" She shouted causing them both to glance at each other. "If we're out in the open city why aren't we getting swarmed?" She asked in a calmer tone, looking over her shoulder. "Don't worry about that" "Don't worry about that? God you should become an inspirational speaker. That was some good advice"

"you just run your mouth don't you?" Joel scoffed trying his best not to roll his eyes. "Yeah it's kinda my shtick" she summarised and Tess shook her head before speaking. "What was Marlene doing with an infected kid?" "I'm not infected!" Bonnie whined getting fed up of having to repeat herself. After that answer didn't seem to satisfy them she added. "Marlene found me-" she paused thinking of the best way to word the next part. "After I was bitten" she stated slowly examining the other two's reactions. "And she didn't shoot you?"

"Well look at that! You could of been a detective as well. A man of many talents, detective dumbass" Bonnie taunted jabbing her thumb at Joel who purses his lips in annoyance and rolled his eyes"she kept me locked in this tiny ass room and tested me to see if I was getting sick. Some fucked up medieval shit" "test you how?" Tess asked to which bonnie sighed "I have to pee" "test you how?" She repeated more aggressively and Bonnie held her hands up in defence.

"Jesus calm down. They made me count to ten and hold out my arm and then keep it steady. But you know I think what really impressed them was the fact I didn't turn into a deranged monster. Now for the love of god let me take a fucking piss" she said standing up which caused Joel to stand up too, a firm grip on his gun. "Relax G I Joe. What the fuck am I gonna do? Throw a dandelion at you?" "You are so god damn annoying" he muttered rolling his eyes and she took a bow. "Thank you"

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