Chapter 4:

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"What the fuck is your problem?!"

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"What the fuck is your problem?!"

Joel pushed the window open and was the first to climb out onto the roof of the museum,Followed by Bonnie who stood there for a minute taking in the rooftop view. Tess was the last to leave, instantly sitting down on the roof tiles. Joel was quick to join her side, rummaging through his bag while Tess took off her boot to examine her ankle. "Here" Joel pulled out a tiny first aid kit from his bag and Bonnie looked at him exasperated. "You couldn't of given me this ten minutes ago?" "I needed to find it in my bag" he stated simply and she rolled her eyes taking it from his hand.

Bonnie sat on the edge of the building, letting her foot dangle. "Get away from there" Joel said in a snippy tone to which bonnie mocked "get away from there" she opened the first aid kit and pulled out some gauze, bandages and some cream. Bonnie untied her makeshift bandage which was soaked with blood.

She hated the was the fungus looked under her skin, it made her feel nauseous just looking at it. The girl applied some of the cream around the deep gashes to prevent any other infection and then held gauze to the wound before tightly bandaging it up.
She stood up and looked down at the drop to the floor beneath, a wave of familiarity washing over her.

There she stood on the edge of the tallest building in the QZ. The wind blew in her face, jostling her hair away from her eyes as she looked down at the street lamps that illuminated the streets crawling with fedra guard.

All this pain and suffering would end in one single step. She was ready for peace. She closed her eyes taking a deep breath through her nose. Smelling the fresh air that was only obtainable from this high up. It was the nicest way she could think of ending her life.

Bonnie raised one foot in the air wobbling slightly at the shift in gravity. She was about to step off the ledge when-

"Kid!" Bonnie blinked rapidly looking up from the floor beneath her and turning to look at Joel. "Listen, I know it looks scary but-" "that was scary." Bonnie stated pointing to the building they just climbed out of "this is wood" Bonnie smiled taking a step onto the plank that joined the two buildings. "You're first time dealing with wood?" Joel joked quietly with a chuckled,but they all heard, which made bonnie slowly turn to face him
"you suck, so hard" "something you'll never have to do" Tess added causing both the adults to laugh while bonnie flipped them off and continued walking across the plank.

"Just wait there. Give us a minute!" Joel told her once she reached the other side and she gave him a thumbs up. Bonnie kicked the rubble that was on the floor before noticing the orange streaks that stained the dusty concrete. The girl ran across the build to see the sun starting to set over the abandoned dystopian paradise. She let out a long sigh allowing the rays to hit her face. "Everything you hoped it be?" Joel asked, suddenly appearing at her side. "Jury's still out. But it beats being confined to that shitty room" she replied rocking back and forth on her heels. "Nothing beats the view"

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