Chapter 8:

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"damn, dude, that is deep up in there"

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"damn, dude, that is deep up in there"

Not to Bonnies surprise the nightmares didn't go away. Joel had her woken up twice before she was finally able to get some form of sleep. She was so tired of this shit. Ever since the mall incident she can't sleep. Like a shadow looming over her, she never gets a moment of peace.

Bonnie opened her eyes to have them envaded by light. She covered her eyes with jacket sleeve trying to prevent herself from going blind. She heard the sound of rustling and sat up right in a panic. She let out a sigh of relief releasing it was just Joel. He was working on the truck. She stood up and dropped the sleeping bag to the floor, walking over to the cooker which had a metal pot on it.

She opened the lid and sniffed the liquid coughing as the fumes entered her nose. "What the fuck is that? Horse shit?" She coughed stumbling backwards. "You don't like coffee?" Joel asked turning to look at the girl he only just realised was awake.

Bonnie threw her stuff in the van as Joel finished packing everything away. She walked over and lifted the makeshift stove putting it in the back of the truck. "You get any sleep last night?" Joel asked joint her side as he shoved some plates and cutlery in a box. "A bit" she yawned covering her mouth with her hand that was covered by her sleeve. "Sorry" she mumbled before hopping in the front seat on the truck.

As they drove along the main road Joel sipped on his coffee. Bonnie rested her head on the window, staring at the desert like terrain. Her eye lids getting heavier by the second.

"When was the last time you slept properly?" Joel asked after swallowing a mouthful of the caffeinated beverage. "A while" Bonnie groaned rubbing her eyes and sitting up straight. "Why? You always get nightmares like that?" "Every night" "why?" Joel repeated and Bonnies eyes drifted down to the map on her lap. "76 west then 70 west for like, ever." Bonnie normal peppy mood was gone and she seemed like an empty shell.

It was really starting to freak Joel out. "Where in Wyoming did you say your brother was?" She asked blinking to see the map better through her blurred vision. "Last contact came through a radio tower close to Cody" "who's Cody?" She asked looking up at Joel who smirked with and eye roll "not a person, a place" he tapped the map on her knee and she slowly nodded her head.

"Right. So all these places named after people" she questioned scanning the page for the place marked Cody. "Not all" "damn, dude, that is deep up in there" she whistled and Joel hummed in agreement"what's his name?" "Tommy" "what if Tommys not there?" "Then odds are he'll be near a settlement, probably close to another city out there. Ain't too many of em in Wyoming."

Silence settled for a moment before Joel spoke. "Are they bad?" Bonnie looked at him furrowing her eyebrows "are what bad?" "The nightmares" joel didn't look away from the road not wanting to see her reaction. Bonnie turned to face the road looking out at the open space. "Terrible" "when did you start having them?" Joel was careful with his words, knowing he was treading on thin ice.

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