Chapter 13:

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 "00- what? Are you having  a stroke?"

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"00- what? Are you having a stroke?"

*~~many months later~~*

Bonnie stuck closely behind Joel, clinging to the trees for cover. The cold winter air nipping at her nose, the snow crunching under her converse, her feet freezing. "Ok what's the plan?" She whispered peering out at the back of the log cabin in front of them. "Stay low and stay close we go in I do the talking, got it?" "Yep. Got it. But no shooting people. Got it?" She retorted and he rolled his eyes. "I won't. Not unless I have to" he mumbled that last part but Bonnie heard. "Dude?" "Can't hear you too far away" he replied starting to make the jog towards the house. "Asshole" she muttered before running after him.

Bonnie pressed her body flat against the side of the cabin, on the opposite side of the door frame that joel was on. "This is so cool, I feel like a spy" she whispered with an excited grin on her face. She was probably more excited than she should be considering she was about to break into someone's house. "Yeah like James Bond, almost" "who?" "James bond." "Who's that?" Bonnie furrowed her brows at Joel who looked at her with wide eyes. "You don't know James- you know the classic 007?" "00- what? Are you having a stroke?" She whisper yelled and he rolled his eyes. "Nevermind, stay behind me and remember I do the talking" "yeah, yeah whatever Grandma just open the fucking door" "don't rush me!" "Hurry up!"

Joel quietly opened the back door. Gun at his side. "Finally your back" a woman called from inside the kitchen "for a second there I thought a bear had-" she cut herself off when she turned around and saw the pair standing near her coffee table. "Uh who are you?" "Hi I'm Bonnie and this is Joel-" Joel elbowed the young girl glaring at her "what? Don't look at me like that! I'm being friendly" "shut  up" "ok whatever"

"Can I help you?" The woman asked confused noticing Joel's gun. "Sit" he instructed motioning to the chair by the small wooden table. "Alrighty then" the woman shrugged shuffling over to them. "What's your name?" Bonnie asked causing Joel to hit her arm. "Shall we not?" "What I just asked a question" "what happened to I do all the talking?" "Oh come on we both know I never listen to you"

"What can I do for you?" The woman asked sitting down at the chair by the small dinner table , bonnie nudged Joel and he put his gun away. "I'm looking for my brother" Joel stated pulling out a map from his pocket "I need you to tell us where we are" he handed the map over to the woman and she smiled. "You got lost?" She asked and Bonnie nodded. "Yup. Maybe if somebody would have listened to me we wouldn't be" "hey! This is not my fault" Joel defended. "Really does this sound familiar? No bonnie that's a road not the river we need to follow the river." She spoke in her best Joel impression "news flash that was the fucking river!"

The woman started to laugh "that sounds just like you" "I know doesn't it" "I do not sound like that" "yes you do" both woman answered in unison and Joel rolled his eyes. "Ok the point is we're lost" "right let me see. My name is Florence by the way" the woman directed that last part at bonnie and she smiled. "Hello Florence "

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