Chapter 16:

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First chapter of shattered Ellie x female oc out now!

"yeah well you're like 89 and practically deaf so no wonder"

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"yeah well you're like 89 and practically deaf so no wonder"

Payton, against her own better judgment, had to leave bonnie that night, knowing Maria would come looking for her. Bonnie didn't sleep, how could she? She was being sent away with a strange by someone who she put more trust in than she should have. Joel betrayed her. There was no other way to say it. And their relationship would never be the same, if they had one at all when all was said and done.

Although she was mad at him she wouldn't forgive herself if she left without saying goodbye. So after she had packed her into her rucksack and put on her shoes she found herself knocking on Joel's bedroom door.

"Joel?" She called out but only got silence in response. She turned the door handle and pushed the door open only to find it empty. "Joel?!" She shouted walking down the staircase, her footsteps echoing through the silent house. "Fine, see if I care" she angrily murmured before slamming the house door being met with Tommy.

"You ready to go kid?" Bonnie didn't reply just followed after him as they walked in the direction of the stables. She followed Tommy inside the barn kicking the hay with her converse. When she saw his feet stopped she looked up and stopped as well her face hardening whenever she saw Joel tending to one of the horse. Fixing a saddle on its back.

Tommy nodded his head towards Joel and Bonnie scoffed "what? What are you expecting me to say?" Tommy rolled his eyes at that. "If you brought me here so we could make up it's not gonna fucking happen" she snapped glaring at Tommy. "I came here to steal one of these horses and go." Joel stated looking at the girl who looked at him with a chilling stare. "I would of gave you one" Tommy piped up but that was brushed aside.

"Anyway that was thirty minutes ago, and I guess you deserve a choice" Joel finished walking over to Bonnie who didn't change her facial expression. "I still think you'd be better off with Tommy-" "shut up" she snapped causing joel to fall silent his face falling into a disappointed frown. "Bonnie I-"
"I'm going with you" she stated cutting him off and a hopeful glint returned to his eye and Bonnie turned away from him.

"But I want my own horse" she said simply looking at Tommy before walking past the both of them. "Where are you going?" "I have something I have to do first" she called back dropping her bags and heading out of the stable.

"Payton!" Bonnie yelled running down the small town street scanning her eyes through the empty village . Payton appeared from the  kitchen building "Bonnie" Payton jogged towards the other girl. "Are you ok?" She asked noticing the girls face. "Hey bon what's wrong?" Payton frowned cupping the other girls cheek.

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