Chapter 3:

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"Okay what in the flying fuck is that?"

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"Okay what in the flying fuck is that?"

The trio walked up to a three story old brick building that had shattered windows and had something growing all over it in weird spiral patterns. "Okay what in the flying fuck is that?" Bonnie asked pointing towards the abnormal greenery. "That's fungus" Tess replied as she came to a halt in front of the door. "Why is it all black and shit?" "It's dead" Joel answered joining the young girl on her other side.

"Is that good?" "There's a way across from the top floor" "well then I guess it's fine" bonnie muttered as Joel walked up to a patch of the fungus that was embedded in the soil. "It's fine we take it all the time" Tess assured her and Bonnie nodded trying not to overthink things. "Trust me it's fine" Tess repeated noticing the girls distress.

Joel used the end of his gun to stab the fungus causing it to turn into a powder and break. "It's bone dry" he affirmed standing up straight. "Could mean they're all finally dead in there" "could mean who? Are all finally what? In where?" Bonnie said anxiety starting to prickle in her chest. Tess looked at the girl, before her and Joel bent down to open their bags. "Marlene pack you one of these?" Joel asked holding up a flashlight.

Bonnie took of her bag and started to rummage through it. "We're not actually going in there are we? What if there's infected in there?" She didn't look up from her bag as she searched for her flashlight. "Well it's either stay out here and wait to be malled to death by a hoard of them or maybe face five of them in there" Tess dully replied and Bonnie let out a shaky breath. "Alright then" Joel noticed the girls unease as she frantically searched her bag before pulling out her flashlight.

"Everything will be fine if you listen to us alright? You got your tape player?" "Yeah" she replied looking up at him. "Good, use it unless I tell you otherwise" "ok" Tess glanced at Joel but he didn't pay the look any attention. "Ok so more ground rules" Tess began and Bonnie pulled the player and her headphones from her bag. "We're gonna go slowly. If we come up against anything you get behind us and ya stay there okay?" Tess asked and Bonnie nodded putting her backpack on. "I'd rather not have to kill one of those today" she chuckled nervously before Tess pulled out her gun. Bonnie knew she could kill an infected no problem she just hated doing it.

"I have a spare hand" Bonnie offered noticing the weapon. "Congratulations" Joel stated before motioning to her player. "Music" "alright" Bonnie put the headphones on her head and held the player tightly in her hand before pressing play on the mixtape. 'Should I stay or should I go' by the clash filled her ears and she started to nod along to the familiar beat.

Anxiety rose in her stomach as they entered the old building. It was pitch black, the only thing lighting her way was her flash light and Joel's infront of her. She tried to focus on her music while she followed Joel further into the museum looking around, the paint that was peeling from the walls and the old abandoned gift shop they had just come across. There's were lumps of old desecrated
Infected laying on the floor of the gift shop which made bonnie go stiff.

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