Chapter 23:

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(The last chapter🥹 I'm crying already )

After their heart to heart Bonnie was feeling a strange feeling of peace and calm

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After their heart to heart Bonnie was feeling a strange feeling of peace and calm. Like the rough sea that was her mind was tranquil, she was no longer drowning in her own head. It was nice, something she could get used to. The quite.

Bonnie was staring at the ground examining the the broken pavement under her shoes. The bugs scurrying through the dirt. Their existence was so simple, they didn't have too many worries. She envied that.

They were walking in silence and Bonnie could tell Joel kept glancing at her, she could see it from the corner of her eye. Subconsciously she pulled her t-shirt away from her skin, it becoming a habit engraved in her brain.

Joel noticed the action and frowned slightly before and idea popped in his head. "Hey Bonnie" "hmm?" "You know what I'm in the mood for?" Bonnie looked up at Joel and saw a mischievous smirk on his face which instantly made her smile again "what?" "Shitty puns"

Her smile flattered a bit. She had told a single joke since... she didn't feel like laughing, like jokes were worth it. "Joel I don't know" she trailed off looking back at the ground scratching her forearm anxiously. "Come on please, for me?" He begged sticking his bottom lip out in a pouting manner. "Joel-"

"Fine if you won't read them I will" he shrugged grabbing her backpack causing her to stop in her tracks. He pulled the book from her bag before zipping it up and opening the book. "Ok Umm" he mumbled flicking through the pages as they continued walking. "I dreamed I was swimming in an ocean of orange soda, I got fired as train engineer- wait what? I don't get it" "Joel maybe-" "hold on I'll try another one. Accidentally buried someone alive, I had to clean out all my spices- what?!"

"Oh for god sakes Joel" bonnie muttered in annoyance snatching the book from him. "You're reading the start of the jokes but not the end no wonder it makes no fucking sense" "well I'm sorry it's a very confusing format" "I'll show you hold on"

Bonnie flicked forward a few pages and found a joke she liked "A friend of mine annoyed me with bird puns. But toucan play at that game." "That was terrible" "that one was pretty good" "no it sucked give me another one" Joel knew exactly what he was doing and it was worth it see the smile on her face. "Fine. Oh! This one's good. Why is peter pan always flying? He neverlands" Joel raised his eyebrows in amusement a smirk on his lips. "Ok that was decent"

"Outta ten though?" "Hmmm I'd give it a solid four" "four?! That's a six at least!" "Nope" "ok here's another good one. How much room should you give fungi to grow? As mushroom as possible." A smile broke out on Joel's face "I hated it" "really? Because that goofy smile says otherwise" bonnie giggled elbowing him. "Excuse you my smile is not goofy" "oh yes it is, it's what I image a bears smile to be like" "a bear?" Joel laughed in confusion and Bonnie nodded proudly "oh yeah you give off serious momma bear energy" "I don't know whether to be offended or to take it as a compliment" "compliment" she smiled in clarification and Joel nodded.

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