Chapter 11:

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 "You better let me go or I swear to all that is holy you will fucking regret this"

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"You better let me go or I swear to all that is holy you will fucking regret this"

Bonnie and Sam were playing football against the painted goal post on the wall. Bonnie was winning by a substantial amount and just scored again making her jump up in excitement. "Fuck yeah I'm on fire right now" Sam passed the ball back to her and the game continued.

Henry watched them interact with a smile from the table him and Joel were sitting at. Joel watched Sam run to get the ball and watched bonnie wrap her arms around him,  picking him up and spinning him around to get the ball. Sam let out giggles of excitement as he tried to shove the older girl off him.

"If you were collaborating' to take care of him, I shouldn't have said what I said. I don't know your situation. And I'm not sayin' they should let it go, but. All things considered seems kinda cruel to send a whole army after you for that" Joel told him,  looking over at Bonnie and Sam. He wondered if it came down to it would he do that for Bonnie.

"You know I wasn't exactly telling you the truth before" Henry admitted carefully. "About me not killing someone." He clarified upon seeing Joel's face. "There was a man. A great man. You know he was never afraid, never selfish, and he was always forgiving. Have you ever met someone like that? Kinda man you'd follow anywhere?"

Joel's mind instantly thought of his brother and how he was travelling across the country just to find him. "I mean, I wanted to. I would've. Yeah but uh sam, he got sick. Luekemia." He paused and upon seeing Joel's face he looked down at the table. "Yeah,  anyway,  there was one drug that worked, and Woah big shock, there wasn't much left of it, and it belonged to FEDRA. And if I wanted some, it was gonna take something big. So I gave them something big. That one great man. The leader of the resistance movement in Kansas city. And Kathleen's brother"

Joel just stared blankly at Henry unsure of how to respond. "Yeah,  so, you still think they should take it easy on me? Or am I the bad guy? I don't know what you're waitin on man. The answers easy. I am the bad guy because I did a bad guy thing. But you get it though" Henry stated as Joel turned to look at the pair. Just in time to watch bonnie stand on her shoe laces and fall to the floor.

"Ow fuck me" she groaned rolling onto her back. "Walk it off!" Joel shouted down to her and she held up a thumbs up. "Yup" "and for the love of God learn how to tie your damn laces" "I know how" Bonnie snapped back pushing herself to a sitting position. "I'm just not very good at it" Joel rolled his eyes at that as he watched her shittly tie her shoe laces. "I swear to God you are like a five year old child" "yeah because you're so mature? Mister I throw a tantrum if I don't get my way" "I do not!" Joel protested and Bonnie raised her brows. "Kinda proving my point there buddy" "shut the fuck up" "also not helping your case" she laughed turning back around to watch Sam score his third goal. "Oh it's on" she signed and he narrowed his eyes in a challenging fashion.

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