Chapter 6:

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"I think I just threw up in my mouth"

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"I think I just threw up in my mouth"

Bonnie walked beside Joel and stopped beside him when they came up to a barbed wire fence that encased a small abandoned town that was still in pretty good shape for 20 years lack of maintenance. "Is this where Bill and Frank live?" She asked Joel who nodded in reply. "Jesus Christ they really have their shit together" she laughed as Joel walked over to a power box on the fence

"If I touch the fence will I die?" Bonnie asked as Joel punched in some numbers onto the keypad. "It says 'danger high voltage' so what'd you think?" "Hey what's high voltage to some might be a small shock for others"Bonnie Shrugged as Joel opened the gate for her. "That is the most flawed and stupid logic I think I've ever heard" "yeah well when you spend a lot of time with stupid people it can start to run off on you" Bonnie stated with a smile "yeah, hence why I'm getting stupider by the minute" Bonnie shoved Joel at that comment who found it incredibly funny

"ass" she retorted rolling her eyes and he smiled, proud of himself. As they walked through town bonnie couldn't help but get excited at the thought of meeting new people. Nice people. "So how are we gonna play it? Smooth and vague or open and honest?" Bonnie shared her thoughts following Joel down a street. "You're not gonna do anything, you're gonna be quiet and let me handle this" "oh come on man!" "Don't 'come on man' me. If you annoy the shit out of them they might shoot your sorry ass"

"I am not that annoying" Joel snorted in derision giving her a look of 'oh really' bonnie flipped him off and continued to walk a head of him.

Joel grab the handle of her backpack, yanking her backwards causing her to come to a stop. "This one dumbass" he pointed to the big white home in front of them, letting go of her bag. "I knew that" " 'course you did"

Joel went first walking up to the door, opening it and Bonnie shoved his shoulder "dude you always knock! First impressions matter" "oh give it a rest" "oh give it a rest" she mocked and Joel glared at her "what did I say about you being quiet" Bonnie went to open her mouth but Joel raised his eyebrows in a challenging manner and she kept her lips sealed.

Joel widely opened the door, walking inside first closely followed by Bonnie. "Wow this is some fancy ass shit" she chuckled looking into the dining room on her left and a living room area on the right. "Bill?" Joel called out and Bonnie picked up a shiny clear figure of a swan. "Cool they have crystal shit in here. I'm totally taking this." "Put that down!" Joel scowled and she rolled her eyes "what? They aren't gonna notice" she whispered and Joel narrowed his eyes. "Put it back Bon, now"

Bon, that was new. She did as she was told putting it back in place and shoved her hands in her pockets so she wouldn't touch anything. Seemingly happy that she wouldn't commit a crime Joel turned his attention back to finding his friends.

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