Chapter 18:

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⚠️Huge trigger warning ⚠️
Mentions of suicide,attempted suicide, suicidal thoughts, self harm, graphic imagery and some dark fucked up shit so strap yourselves in (unlike bonnie) for a long chapter.

⚠️Huge trigger warning ⚠️ Mentions of suicide,attempted suicide, suicidal thoughts, self harm, graphic imagery and some dark fucked up shit so strap yourselves in (unlike bonnie) for a long chapter

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"I don't deserve to be saved"

"This is fucking insane" Katie marvled slowly walking across the white tiled floor of the huge comic book store. "So am I the best sister ever or what?" Bonnie questioned raising an eyebrow as she flicked through the multiple rows of comic books looking for the one.

"You will permanently be dubbed the best sister until the end of time itself" Katie stated and Bonnie shook her head "I'm honoured honestly" "you should be" Katie sassed back flipping through comic books opposite her sister "are those the stupid endure and survive books you like so much?" "Savage Starlight" Katie corrected and Bonnie rolled her eyes "same cheese different sauce" she retorted and Katie screwed up her face.

"Huh?" "You know tomato, potato" "you are terrible with phrases-" "FUCK YEAH!" Bonnie let out a yelp of victory as she pulled the teenage mutant ninja Turtle comic book from the pile and did a small victory dance. "I'm so thankful no one else is around right now" Katie chuckled rolling her eyes at her sister's behaviour and watched as bonnie stopped, glaring at her. "Excuse me these are hard to come by" "and apparently sane sisters are hard to come by" Katie muttered and Bonnie picked up a random comic book before chucking it at her sister, smacking her square in the face.

"You little bitch!" Bonnie laughed and Katie gasped "you did not just throw sacred material!" She scorned and Bonnie rolled her eyes "oh dry your eyes" Bonnies eyes wandered from her sister to the display case over by the register. Her eyes widened a grin spreading on her face as she ran over goggling through the dusty glass.

"No fucking way" she muttered walking behind the register "what?" Katie asked watching her sister pull two long white poles with black handles from the display case. "Ok what the hell are those?" Katie asked stepping away from the comic books and towards her sister. "Come on" bonnie whispered to herself and she tapped her feet in excitement upon seeing the batteries still inside.

"Bonnie?" Katie asked again furrowing her eyebrows. Bonnie head snapped up to her sister a grin from ear to ear. "These are light sabers" "light what now?" Katie questioned and Bonnies eyes widened "I thought you were supposed to be a nerd?" "Hey!" Katie hit her sisters arm and Bonnie narrowed her eyes "light sabers from Star Wars" bonnie clarified and Katie only looked more confused. "What?" "You don't know star-"
bonnie cut herself off deeming it not worth arguing about and instead she picked up one of the sabers turning it on.

They both watched as it lit up a blue colour an unsheathing sound effect playing. "Awesome" Katie gasped taking the saber from her sister. Bonnie grabbed the other one turning it on causing it to light up red. "I challenge you to a dual young lady" bonnie laughed wiggling her eyebrows at her sister who backed away from the register "oh you're on" Katie sassed back as bonnie approached her, walking into the centre of the store.

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